NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 414: sympathetic rival

It\'s not James in the finals yet. He really wants the championship and FMVP, but he has to cross the Knicks to have a chance to win the championship, otherwise everything will be in vain.

If the Heat can really play a more blooming performance in the second half, then the Heat still have hope of winning this game.

But it is a pity that Mike Bibby, who broke out briefly in the second quarter, was defended by Holiday\'s strong defense in the second half. James made two passes, and Mike Bibby bounced out of the frame once and missed three times.

It is somewhat understandable to come out of the frame, but the second three non-sticks are a bit too much, so James no longer passes the ball to Mike Bibby.

The same is true for Wade. He was not in very good condition in the second half, and under Danny Green\'s biting defense, he made three offenses, one turnover, one pass after a fruitless offense, and one shot.

This season, Wade still retains some of his peak state, but after the serious injury, Wade rarely dares to speed up and break through with all his strength. His knee is like a time bomb, which may explode at any time.

But now ordinary breakthroughs have little effect on Danny Green\'s defense.

Although Wade can still use the "Lightning Cross Step" a few times in a game, he dare not use it too much.

Wade really wants to win the championship, but he has a clear prediction for his knee. Every time he uses the "lightning cross step", the discomfort caused by his knee is counting down his career.

In addition, Wade\'s shooting is inherently unstable, and when the breakthrough is restricted, it seems to be "exposed".

As for Bosh, as long as he catches the ball inside, he will definitely face double-teaming. At the end, he will either be blocked or interfered.

As for three-pointers and mid-range shots, he mostly ended up hitting iron.

In the third quarter, the Heat could only use sporadic resistance to deal with the Knicks\' strong offense. In the end, the task of attacking the fortress returned to James\' hands again.

After the third quarter, James\' statistics are still very good. He is now short of one rebound and two assists, and he can get a triple-double.

However, after three quarters, the Heat trailed the Knicks by 17 points.

"The Heat can\'t do this anymore. They must have someone to stand up and break the game. So far, the score is getting bigger and bigger. If no changes are made, then this game can basically be concluded!"

Kenny Smith couldn\'t bear to watch the game end anticlimactically. The two teams went back and forth, and the tense and exciting situation was more eye-catching.

In fact, there was one thing Kenny didn\'t say, which was, "It\'s impossible for the Heat to comeback 17 points on the Knicks in the fourth quarter."

If Kenny said that, the Heat fans who watched the live broadcast would probably turn off the live broadcast directly.

Now, Heat fans still have a glimmer of expectation. They expect James or Wade to lead the team in a Jedi counterattack in the fourth quarter, just like Marvel heroes.

However, the drama of the hero saving the world that Heat fans expected was not staged.

In the fourth quarter, after several unsuccessful attacks, James gave up and turned to organizing offense again.

This is the difference between James and Kobe. Even if Kobe\'s 20 offenses are fruitless, he will still firmly launch the 21st offense. That guy is a complete paranoid.

And that paranoid is also watching the game.

California, Los Angeles.

Kobe invited Gasol to watch the live broadcast of the Knicks against the Heat.

In a luxurious home theater, the two of them were lying on the sofa enjoying themselves. On the table next to them was the red wine of Kobe Italian Winery. Now they only needed two older girls to give them massages.

"Kobe, the Knicks should have won this game!"

Gasol said with a sigh.

"That\'s right, I just said, don\'t underestimate Sickle. If the Knicks faced the same situation as the Heat in the fourth quarter, he would definitely hold the ball firmly in his hands and continue to launch counterattacks! Instead of so-called organization , Now the organization has nothing for the Heat, they need to score and need to fight back with courage!"

"In Sickle\'s country, there is a saying, \'When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!\', I really appreciate this saying!"

"But LeBron..." Kobe shook his head and took a sip from the wine glass on the table.

"Oh? You want to say that LeBron doesn\'t have this kind of momentum, and Sickle is the same kind of person as you, right? Hahaha!" Gasol knew Kobe too well and said with a smile.

"Let\'s go, there\'s nothing to see. The two of us played a game, and I felt a little itchy!" Kobe stood up and said to Gasol.

"Ah?! Brother, just finished the playoffs. I haven\'t enjoyed the sun and the beach yet, so you dragged me to watch the game..." Speaking of this, Gasol suddenly realized, "Oh, I understand, you came to watch the game with me It’s fake, it’s true that I’m here to practice with you, right?”

"Hey, Paul, I asked you to come today. I actually want to discuss something with you. You should keep it secret."

"How about we bring in the guy with the same last name as you?" Bryant asked.

"The last name is the same as mine? You mean Chris?" Gasol asked after thinking about it.

Although there are many names named "Paul", there are not many NBA players with this "surname", and only Chris Paul is suitable.

Gasol understood as soon as he thought about it, and then he saw Kobe nodding.

"Yes, yes, but the bargaining chip we paid is a bit big. Do you think the management of the Hornets is willing to let people go?"

"And, Kobe, the Hornets are in charge of the league!" Gasol said.

"I know this. The Hornets general manager Dell Demps made an offer. They want Lamar, and they are still negotiating!" Kobe said calmly. He has long been used to ushering and sending.

Even Lamar Odom would rather be the team\'s sixth man for the team.

Gasol\'s heart tightened, but his face did not leak. Although he knew that the league was a business, he still felt a bit chilled by the behavior of trading when he ran out.

It made him feel like a piece of cargo, never in control of his own destiny.

"It goes without saying that Chris is strong. If he can be recruited, the biggest shortcoming of the Lakers can be made up. Next season, the Lakers can make greater progress!" Gasol said.

Gasol replaced "us" with "Lakers". He felt that at the end of his career, he could not escape the end of wandering.

"Yeah, I can clearly feel that my physical fitness has deteriorated, Paul, I don\'t have much time to touch that O\'Brien Cup!"

"Five championships are already a great honor for others, but I will never be as good as that mountain!" Kobe\'s eyes were full of reconciliation, he was not reconciled to step into the final career like this.

Gasol knew that the mountain Kobe was talking about was Jordan, the goal Kobe had been chasing all his life.

Seeing Kobe\'s unwillingness, Gasol was also a little bit embarrassed.

Although he does not have Kobe\'s ambitions, he respects the strong who have such ideal revenge.

"Why don\'t you ask Chris out first, anyway, you haven\'t fully decided on the candidates for the summer training camp, I heard that you also invited the guy from New York?"

"Well, Sickle is improving too fast. Playing against him will stimulate the desire to win in my heart, and make me train hard unconsciously!" Kobe seemed to think of the match between the two on the field, with a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Hey, Kobe, don\'t let Vanessa see your expression, otherwise, she will definitely think you have another woman outside." Gasol felt that Kobe\'s smile was too easy to make people think crooked.

"Don\'t change the subject You were betting on the Heat before, I was betting on the Knicks, I won, and you will pay later!" Kobe suddenly remembered the bet between the two before.

In the first quarter, the Heat\'s strong offense made Pau Gasol put his bet on the Heat without hesitation.

Bryant, on the other hand, firmly believes that the Knicks will definitely reverse.

Gasol also laughed at Bryant at the time, telling him to get ready to pay.

But who knows, in just one quarter, the situation on the field changed drastically. Danny Green, a surprise player, reversed the situation of the entire game.

As a result, Gasol thought that Kobe had the ability to predict, but in fact Kobe didn\'t know Danny Green.

He simply believed that Lian Dao would not lose, a player who could fight until his body was exhausted and was carried off the court. Kobe did not believe that Lian Dao could bear the ending of losing the first game.

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