Ranker's Return

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

Arena Stadium was turned upside down. Everyone was busy whispering among themselves without watching the next match on the screen in front of them. Naturally, it was impossible for them to focus on it. A huge bait—no, a bomb had exploded. So how could they care about the match? The Winter League was held once a week, and a total of four matches were played on the day. Meanwhile, Alley Leader’s leader bomb wasn’t dropped every day. Its importance was different.

“He didn’t mention it, so I thought he had generously forgotten it.”

“Can a person change? He is consistent. I thought he’d truly forgotten.”

The crowd knew exactly what Hyeonu was referring to. There was no one present who misunderstood or didn’t know about it. The people who came to Arena Stadium were usually avid fans of Arena, so most of them were subscribed to Alley Leader’s A-World channel and watched his videos. It was impossible for them not to know about what had happened between JT Telecom and Hyeonu.

“They were completely smeared after saying it. They were horribly beaten like gum on asphalt.”

“They just speak with their mouths. I remember the way they trembled in Arena Week. They’re prideful for nothing.”

The audience’s conversation moved in this direction. They ridiculed what JT Telecom—to be precise, Jung Hanbaek—said on their stream. The viewers had laughed at it at the time, but there were no concrete results back then. Now the entire JT Telecom team had collapsed due to Alley Leader.

“They will experience just how scary words are starting from tomorrow.”


A strong wind was blowing. Naturally, Hyeonu wasn’t its target. The typhoon was heading toward JT Telecom. They had to be responsible for the remarks they made in the past. The players weren’t the ones who were hit first by the typhoon. Instead, it was those higher up, starting from the front desk.

Choi Hyunsung, president of the JT Telecom e-sports division, frowned at the news that had been flying in since morning. It was the worst. He immediately called in the staff to figure out the situation. Choi Hyunsung carefully opened the door and asked the young man who entered, “What is going on?”

He didn’t even give this person time to settle down.

“Yes, Boss-nim. That... It seems to have been a momentary mistake. They are reflecting on it greatly right now. I’ll teach them a good lesson.”

After Kang Ujong quit, this young man became the new supervisor.He was a coach who managed JT Telecom with Jeong Byeongjin and Kang Ujong previously. Regardless, Choi Hyunsung didn’t like the new supervisor’s excuse. It was obviously just a cover-up. There were no countermeasures in place.

“Do you think that just covering it up will help the current situation?”

Hearing Choi Hyunsung’s question, the supervisor was silent. He couldn’t say anything. It was the same when he visited the dormitory last night. Jung Hanbaek and the other players who had opened their mouths during the stream at that time just bowed their heads and remained silent toward the supervisor.

“I watched that interview and saw the related comments. It’s natural for Alley Leader’s pride to be hurt. You should’ve at least set up some countermeasures. Regardless of whether it is by posting an apology or filming a video, isn’t it normal to promise to prevent this from happening again, Supervisor-nim?”Choi Hyunsung kept aiming at the supervisor.

He was extremely angry. There were many e-sports teams under JT Telecom. Many of them appeared and disappeared repeatedly due to the rise and falls in the game, but the former owners didn’t care at all as they were just bystanders. However, after Choi Hyunsung took over as president, he didn’t leave things to the working staff as the previous owners had done before. Instead, he took part in planning and creating a new team.

In short, it was a team filled with Choi Hyunsung’s sincerity. His affection for Arena was at the peak, so it was natural for him to feel upset when the image of JT Telecom was being tarnished.

“Boss-nim, I’ll fix the problem at all costs before it grows bigger.”

The supervisor was well aware of Choi Hyunsung’s passion for the team. This was why he would occasionally go to the stadium to watch the players despite his busy schedule.

“Supervisor-nim, I will believe in you. Disciplinary action is fine. It would be better for you to discipline them before the association comes forward. And... if the players refuse, the worst-case scenario is fine,” Choi Hyunsung spoke firmly.

There was no need to keep players who would interfere with the team.

“Of course, it is up to Supervisor-nim to not go that far, right? Supervisor Yoo-nim?” Choi Hyunsung added with a smile.

From the standpoint of the listener, the supervisor couldn’t laugh at all. It was obvious that the worst-case scenario meant the supervisor was to fire them. In other words, it meant withdrawing players from the team.

“I understand. I will do everything possible to make sure it doesn’t happen, Boss-nim.”

The supervisor exited the president’s office with a very pale face.


The supervisor left the president’s office and headed straight to the dormitory of the JT Telecom players.

“Jinyong, bring all the kids who were on the streaming that day.”He gathered the players with an unusual expression.

‘Something is coming,’ Kim Jinyong thought when he saw that.

Then with an expression that showed this thought, he answered, “Yes, Supervisor-nim.”

On that day, Kim Jinyong had also appeared on the stream, and he helped with Jung Hanbaek’s remarks. It was because he thought it was right at the time. Kim Jinyong disappeared and reappeared with several players. “I’ve brought them all, Supervisor-nim. There are four in total.”

Jung Hanbaek, Kim Jinyong, Yoo Bin, and Do Jeonghyun—they were players who could be called the pillars of JT Telecom. All of them had spoken on that day’s stream.

“I won’t ask the reason why. Instead... I will ask what you are going to do. How are you going to solve it?” The supervisor asked. He didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t even speak quickly. He just spoke as usual.

Kim Jinyong delivered the prepared answer, “We have been talking about it since last night. First, we’ll post an apology. We’re willing to be disciplined as long as it doesn’t go as far as a ban.”

At the end of those words, the four players—including Kim Jinyong—gulped. They were waiting to see what the supervisor would say.

“I see... Then you know you did something wrong. Unfortunately... the degree of punishment isn’t up to me. An official letter has already been issued by the association. I will set the level of punishment depending on the reaction. Still, post the apology. Upload it to A-World and various communities so everyone knows.” The supervisor left the dormitory after saying that.

It was because he’d finished saying everything he had to say. He also left because he didn’t know what he would say if he stayed any longer. The supervisor had to go before he could express what was inside him.

“The supervisor is gone... What will happen to us?” Yoo Bin spoke in a voice of despair.

The punishment hadn’t been decided yet, but based on the current reaction of the public, the punishment absolutely wouldn’t be light. All types of communities were scolding JT Telecom with one heart and one mind.

“Let’s see... It’ll be fine somehow. Let’s go practice. We can’t give up next week’s match.”Kim Jinyong patted the drooping shoulders of his younger brothers. However, he didn’t touch Jung Hanbaek’s shoulder.


“You’re eating...?”Yeongchan clicked his tongue when he saw Hyeonu eating grilled chicken breast with multigrain rice as usual.

‘It’s too much even if he has a strong heart,’ Yeongchan remarked inwardly. He found it ridiculous that Hyeonu could eat like nothing had happened even after causing such a big incident.

“No matter how much you took the matter to heart, you talked about it in a competition interview, not in a stream.” There was some concern in Yeongchan’s words.

This incident was too big. It wasn’t like he didn’t want Hyeonu to speak out about it. He just wished the impact caused by the incident could have been a bit smaller.

“If I am a man, shouldn’t I pay back for things? I should pay back twice as much, regardless of whether it is favor or hostility,”Hyeonu replied while chewing on the chicken breast.

In fact, he too felt sorry after speaking about the matter in the competition interview. However, the water had already been spilled. He couldn’t pick up and take back the words once they were spoken.

‘Honestly, does it matter if I said it on the stream or there? Isn’t it all the same?’

Perhaps they were, or perhaps not. In any case, this was how he thought about the situation, so there was less of a burden on his mind.

“The reaction is very intense... I didn’t know the impact would be so great,” Yeongchan commented.

Many people were having very heated reactions, much like hyenas hunting for prey.

“It’s fine. I’ll put out the fire on today’s stream. People are kind. If I ask them to stop, they won’t do it any longer.”Hyeonu believed this would be the case, but even if it wasn’t, he had the confidence to make it that way.

‘If it doesn’t work, I can just draw people’s attention to something else,’ he thought.

It was an ancient truth in the community that nothing worked better than changing the topic.


“Hello, I am Alley Leader. Hopefully, everyone has been having a good week. I will start today’s stream.”

Hyeonu started streaming.


-It feels like it’s been too long.

-Let’s see each other often.

-You went to a sunny place and have become too distant.

The viewers welcomed Hyeonu as always with varied reactions, ranging from funny chats to simple greetings. Hyeonu smiled at the sight of the chat window. “My heart also wants to do it more often, but... it doesn’t work. Still, don’t be too sad. Three weeks have already passed. Just put up with it a little bit longer, and things will return to normal.”

-When is that...

-It is a distant story.

-After today is over, the next time is next Thursday!

The viewers obviously couldn’t accept Hyeonu’s words. Nevertheless, there was something more important that he had to address before he started streaming his content.

“Right, don’t say too much about the JT Telecom players. I am the owner of a big heart and have forgiven them. I brushed it off after yesterday’s words, so don’t worry about it. Just come to my channel and watch my videos. This way, I can make money.”

Hyeonu brought out the words he’d prepared in advance. At first glance, his speech seemed very long, but it didn’t feel long because he said it with gestures.

“If you don\'t like it, just enjoy Arena. Life is short. I’m busy doing good things and living. I actually regret it a little bit. I should’ve had this mindset before yesterday’s interview.”

Hyeonu just continued to express his prepared lines regardless of the viewers’ words. In fact, he didn’t even glance at the chat window as he spoke. There was no communication between them at all. However, the viewers didn’t know this because they weren’t Hyeonu.

“Ah, and... I didn’t write it in the stream title, but I’m going to hunt today. I think I can level up as long as I clear the quest. I’m in a hurry to level up.”

It was at this moment that Hyeonu finally looked at the chat window.

-Level?Right, what level are you now?

-Why level up?Let’s just talk.

-Let’s have some time for communication.

-Talk about the recent situation...

-Aren’t you going to show Tang-E?

Most of the viewers had a confused reaction. Why did he want to level up? Moreover, why did he want to do it during the streaming session that only occurred once a week?

“I’m level 299 now, so level 300 is just around the corner.”

It was happening two days in a row. Another bomb went off.

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