Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 145 - Finishing The Fight

Chapter 145 - Finishing The Fight

"You damn piece of sh*t; this isn\'t how you fought during the chunin exams at all!"

Yuna chuckled a little at her curse-happy opponent, Tayuya, as she was approaching her, while leisurely spinning a staff around her that was completely made out of ice. Tayuya\'s whole body was shivering from the cold produced by the patches of ice that were on the few places Yuna had hit with her staff, while even the flute she was using as a weapon had turned into an icicle.

"Now, now, a young lady like you shouldn\'t yell and curse like that. That is very unbefitting of a young lady like you."

[Do I have to point out the hypocrisy of that sentence or are you aware of it?]

\'I am completely aware of it. No need to bother.\'

"Fuck you and eat a dick!"

"Sorry, I am not really into dicks. Well, at least not when they are attached to a man. If it is attached to a beautiful woman…hehe."

[Too much information.]

\'You have heard worse from me.\'

[I have SEEN worse from you, but that isn\'t the point.]

Yuna swung her staff around, smashing it into the face of the person that was trying to sneak up on her, while Tayuya was distracting her. Yuna glanced at her attacker and wondered which one of the twins it was. She noticed that they were more or less mirror-inverted, but she didn\'t bother to remember who was who.

Yuna was pretty sure that someone planned for her to fight these two, but whoever on Orochimaru\'s side came up with the plan should lose his job as soon as possible. Tayuya\'s weird summons might be strong, but they have to be controlled and could only make clumsy movements, which Yuna could easily counter, especially after she finished analyzing the melody used to control them. Tayuya\'s next strategy was for her to use genjutsu, which was completely ineffective.

The Sakon and Ukon duo, meanwhile, didn\'t have a good time either. They only fought in close combat and, apparently, couldn\'t use their weird fusion technique when the corresponding parts of their bodies are frozen, so another easy victory for Yuna. Yuna didn\'t even need to use Kurama\'s chakra and just overwhelmed them with her techniques alone even after they activated their transformations, which turned them into weird-looking demon hybrids.

Tayuya couldn\'t help step back a little when she saw how easily Yuna repelled Sakon\'s sneak attack. She gritted her teeth but there was nothing she could do about the current situation. They were clearly outmatched with no chance of victory.

\'What is going on? Orochimaru-sama told us that Yuna is only dangerous because she can use so much of the Kyuubi\'s chakra, but she hasn\'t even used any of it and we are already on our last leg. The seal that Orochimaru-sama gave us that would suppress the Kyuubi\'s chakra was completely useless. She was supposed to lose herself in battle and get reckless. We could use that chance to put the seal on her to suppress the Kyuubi chakra forcefully and knock her out or at least significantly weaken her due to the backlash. The only chance I have to survive this is if Jirobo and Kidomaru win their fight quickly and come to support us.\'

"Yo nee-san, I\'m done with my enemies."

As if to dash Tayuya\'s hopes, Naruto appeared with Kurama\'s chakra still coating his body and while dragging two unconscious people behind him.

"These guys even had a seal with them that could suppress Ku…Kyuubi\'s chakra. Luckily, the big one was too slow to put it on me and the other one sucked at close combat, so it was an easy victory."

Now, Tayuya truly felt despair. She was fully aware that Orochimaru would only be fighting to distract Jiraiya long enough for them to capture Yuna, but that plan already went out of the window. They had lost, and even if they somehow managed to escape, Orochimaru wouldn\'t show them any mercy for their failure. She just wanted to sit down and await her death, when she noticed something else. Neither Jirobo nor Kidomaru seemed to be dead.

\'That\'s right, they probably want information from us. If we go back to Orochimaru\'s side, who knows what kind of things will be done to us, but if we cooperate, Konoha won\'t be too hard on us, right?\'

Tayuya clenched her fists in frustration, and, despite knowing that it was a huge gamble, made a decision.

"Hey, you sh*t hea…*cough* err…people, what will happen to us if we surrender?"

Before either Yuna or Naruto could answer, Ukon started yelling at Tayuya.

"What are you doing?! Are you betraying Orochimaru-sama?!"

Tayuya could only roll her eyes at him.

"How about using your brain a little, sh*t head? We are obviously losing this, and it is not like he gave us any reason to be loyal to him. If we return after failing the mission, we will be killed, but if we are captured by Konoha, we might actually survive."

"Who cares about that? Orochimaru-sama gave us more power than we could have ever dreamed of!"

"He turned us into monstrosities!"

"He freed us from being prisoners!"

"Are you retarded!? He was the one who turned us into prisoners in the first place!"

"He has always treated us well!"

"We were treated as test subjects!"


Sakon, Ukon, and Tayuya all heard the weird noise at the same time and when they looked at the source of the noise, they saw Yuna and Naruto sitting on a couch that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere while munching on some potato chips and spectating the argument.

"Please don\'t mind us."

"Yeah, no worries, we have all the time in the world. You can finish your discussion and then we can continue."

The trio looked at Yuna and Naruto dumbfounded while being completely incapable of understanding what was going on. Sakon and Ukon were the first ones to regain their wits. They glanced at each other for a moment and nodded their heads. If they couldn\'t win and would die anyway, they decided to at least achieve a small victory before their deaths.

Sakon charged at Tayuya with a kunai in his hand, while Ukon did the same for the unconscious Kidomaru and Jirobo. Tayuya\'s eyes widened in surprise when she realized what Sakon and Ukon wanted to do, but it was already too late to dodge the strike.

Just when her throat was about to be cut, a red and blue blur appeared next to her and before she could understand the situation, Sakon\'s head was smashed into the ground by a foot, which caused him to lose consciousness.

"I have to admit that the [Flying Thunder God Technique] is pretty good stuff for situations like this."

Tayuya could hear Yuna speaking right next to her, and couldn\'t help but shiver by the implication of what Yuna just said.

\'She could have taken us out whenever she wanted to. She could have just appeared next to me whenever she wanted to and cut off my head. What kind of sh*thead procured the information that she has to rely on the Kyuubi\'s chakra? That is obviously bull sh*t.\'

"So, I heard you want to surrender?"

Tayuya couldn\'t do anything but obediently nod her head. Before she could fully grasp the situation, a palm lightly hit her in her stomach and moments later, she could no longer feel her chakra moving around.

"That will seal away your chakra for now. Stay here and don\'t try to escape and I will guarantee your safety."

Receiving another nod from Tayuya, Yuna stopped bothering her and looked towards Naruto, who had just finished putting a chakra seal on Ukon, Kidomaru, and Jirobo. She gave Sakon another kick, applying the same seal to him as well, before walking towards Naruto.

"Well, guess we are done here, let\'s see how the other…"

Before Yuna could finish speaking, a grief-filled scream echoed over the battlefield.


Yuna clicked her tongue in annoyance and quickly made her way towards where Shizune was supposed to be fighting Kabuto.

\'How the hell did Shizune manage to get herself in danger, she should be much stronger than Kabuto from what I could see. Did Orochimaru ambush her or something? Sigh, so troublesome. This will mess up Tsunade\'s mental health even further. Or maybe… it could actually improve it? If Shizune is actually heavily wounded, and Tsunade manages to heal her, she might actually be able to push her demons back a little. Oh well, let\'s see where this goes.\'

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