Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 194

Ye Shaoyang looked carefully at his shoulders under the light . The two streams of poison had grown from his elbows to his shoulders and formed an insect-like pattern with multiple legs on each side .

What was worse, the patterns were like raised veins and felt as though they would burst and escape .

A burning sensation spread along the red lines below his skin, but immediately an icy, cold feeling appeared and fought against it .

Ye Shaoyang understood that the blood of the arctic silkworm and Tan Xiaohui’s saliva was helping him resist the Gu . The two sensations faded after a while . He sighed and watched the weird, insect-like patterns disappear and the red lines become two faint red lines below his skin up to his shoulders near the Tian Fu acupoint .

Why did the red lines grow again so soon?

The growing of red lines shocked Ye Shaoyang . Till now, the red lines had extended thrice . The next acupoint should be Jian Jing, and they would need to pass another two acupoints before reaching his heart .

Ye Shaoyang breathed in deeply . Watching his lifeline was stressful, and he tried to comfort himself . No matter how fast the streams of poison moved he believed that he had sufficient time to capture Jin Shuai during the trip to Sichuan . If he failed--

No way! He could only succeed!

Then, he repeated the mantra and went to sleep .

It had been a few days since Ye Shaoyang had properly rested, so he planned to sleep in . However, he was awakened before 8 a . m . by his phone’s ringtone . It was Li Duo .

He’s been out of touch for a long time . Has something happened to him?

Once Ye Shaoyang picked up the call, he heard Li Duo crying, “Big Brother Shaoyang, I saw a ghost . Can you come and save me now?”

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a while and asked, “What’s happening? Where are you now?”

“Can’t tell you from the phone . I am in our school stadium . Shaoyang, you have to come quickly!”

The call hung up before Ye Shaoyang could ask for more details . He tried to call back, but the phone was dead .

“Did something happen?” Xiao Ma came out from the washroom and asked with a toothbrush in his mouth .

“Li Duo needs help now! He saw a ghost!” Ye Shaoyang replied while he rushed to get dressed .

“What?!” Xiao Ma stared, “Why does it seem like ghosts run amuck everywhere, and anyone can meet one easily?”

Ye Shaoyang had the same thought too . It was strange . He and Xiao Ma quickly exited the apartment and took a taxi to the campus . The driver dropped them in front of the main gate . A steamed stuffed bun store did business on the side of the road .

Ye Shaoyang realized they had not had breakfast, so he bought a few buns and soy drinks . While eating the buns, they ran toward the sports complex . It was not far away . Ye Shaoyang had just finished eating his third bun when they reached the entrance .

The door was half closed . Xiao Ma pushed it open and found nobody inside .

He wondered, “It’s so rare for a hall to be empty at this hour . ” He turned to Ye Shaoyang and asked, “What day is today?”

“Wednesday . ”

“Wednesday . If I’m not mistaken, the Wushu club usually has common practice today . ” Xiao Ma looked nervous, “Don’t tell me everyone was caught by the spirit?”

Ye Shaoyang rolled up his eyes, “I don’t sense even a small trace of Yin Qi here . ”

As Ye Shaoyang finished his words, he heard footsteps coming from one of the rooms in the sports complex . Both of them looked up and saw a woman wearing a white shirt with her arm around a man walking toward them .

The woman smiled coldly at Ye Shaoyang, “Ye Shaoyang, it was not easy to find you . ”

Ye Shaoyang gazed at the woman who wore a white kungfu suit and a black belt around her waist and walked on the wooden floor with bare feet . She was pretty, elegant and gave him the impression that she was a capable person .

While thinking of words to compliment the woman, Ye Shaoyang was stunned when he realized that the man beside her was Li Duo .

“I thought you saw a ghost?” Ye Shaoyang stood aghast . He glanced at the pretty woman beside Li Duo to confirm she was not a spirit .

Li Duo was filled with mixed feelings, “Big Brother Shaoyang, I am sorry . Zhang Xiaolei threatened my girlfriend so that I would lie to you . She said that you would appear only if I told you I saw a ghost . She left me with no choice . ”

Zhang Xiaolei? Ye Shaoyang’s heart trembled .

It’s her, Zhang Xiaolei! The crazy kungfu woman who cornered him once . No wonder she looked so familiar .

He didn’t know where she got his number, but she had called him a few times to request a battle . However, he did not bother answering her and blocked her number . Then, she changed her number and messaged him via SMS but he never replied to any of her messages . He had not expected her to use such dirty tactics to draw him out .

Zhang Xiaolei smiled triumphantly . She pushed Li Duo aside, “It’s none of your business . You can leave now . ”

Li Duo staggered toward the exit . Upon exiting the main door, he looked back at Ye Shaoyang . Feeling guilty, he said, “Don’t worry Big Brother Shaoyang, she promised she would not hurt you . I will buy you a meal as my apology . Goodbye . ”

“Out you go!” Ye Shaoyang showed his middle finger to Li Duo .

Zhang Xiaolei raised her eyebrow at Ye Shaoyang, “Master Ye, it was difficult to find you, but I don’t think you can escape today . ”

“Master Ye?” Ye Shaoyang stared at her with his eyes wide open .

“I apologize for my mistake of thinking that you knew the Phoenix Eye Fist . I learned from Li Duo that you are the Master of the Maoshan Sect . Well, the Maoshan Sect is not a popular sect, but you must be good to be their master at this young age . ”

What is she talking about? Does she think that she is acting in a kungfu movie?

Ye Shaoyang planned to reply, but after giving it a second thought, he did not . He did not want to fall into an endless argument with her, so he kept quiet and let her finish speaking .

Then, he lowered his voice and said, “I agree with you . The Maoshan Sect is a small sect and bad at kungfu . I give in as I’m no match for you . Please let me leave . ”

Ye Shaoyang turned away from her after he spoke and realized that the main door had been closed . A massive gang of students suited in kungfu attire slowly walked out of the restroom and circled them . They were shocked once they saw Ye Shaoyang .

He had rushed out, so he had not changed into a proper shirt and shoes . Instead, he was wearing old-fashioned pajamas and a pair of sandals . He carried steamed buns and soy drinks and there was a piece of chive stuck at the corner of his mouth . They wondered if he was the secret kungfu master that their president, Zhang Xiaolei mentioned . Did they corner the right person or had she been fooled?

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