The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 374 Shiro's Magic

The two together with the living armor bodyguards continued through the frozen lands.

Since Danzel saw a spot that was much higher than before, they walked toward there even though wolfs were on their trail.

They walked a good few hours before they finally arrive at the mountain range. Though the winter storm was ever present, though the time it began, it had grown weaker.

"Can you see something, Rue?" Shiro said while anxiously staring behind, looking to spot a wolf.

"Give me a minute..." Danzel said as he stared intensely into the distance.

Though weakened, the winter storm still blocked his view, but from the single fact that he was of the 4th-tier, he could see much further and in more detail. Yet even with his enchanted senses, he could make little work with the current storm.

\'Should we make to make camp here and wait till the storm has ended?\' Danzel thought as he stared at Shiro, her face slightly shaking from the snow hitting her face constantly.

"Hey, do you think that you can continue, or are you in a need of a break?"



As soon as she opened her mouth, her stomach made itself present, which made her lower her head, in embarrassment.

"I guess that answer my question..." Danzel said in his cold voice.

\'Hasn\'t she eaten 4 hours ago? Or was it 5hours? \' Danzel questions internally.

As Danzel was trying to remember how much they walked when he should be heard wind piercing sound coming their way.

Shiro and the 2 living armors, Niyuki and Koji did also notice the sound, but once they turned around, a cracking sound was heard.

And next thing they knew, Danzel, who was in front of them a moment ago had now appeared behind them, his sword pulled out and destroying an ice spear that was shot at them.

"Magic..." Danzel said annoyed as the mist coming out of his armor diapered.

The pieces of the ice spear soon fell to the ground and soon after the wolfs that was trailing them began revealing themselves from the storm, with their paws and bodies radiating mana.

\'So they think that they have cornered us now that we are on some kind of edge?\'

He knew that the wolfs were probably desperate in taking a piece of Shiro to survive.

But even if he was suppressing his aura of death, he still found it weird.

"You two, protect her." Danzel instructed the living armors, Niyuki and Koji before looking at one of the wolfs slowly making another ice spear.

\'And here I thought that I wouldn\'t face ice magic any time soon.\' Danzel cursed internally as the wolf that was casting dropped dead.

Alas, the wolfs seemed to already have chosen as they too started making ice spears.

Starve or fight so that they want to.

The outcome of both choices was obviously the same.


"I don\'t need all of you." Danzel said as he raised his sword, and 4 times as fast as the wolfs, he made several large ice spears with the use of his sword.

And as the ice spears were shot, they hit the wolfs like ballista bolts Completely making a mesh out of the unfortunately wolfs that met those ice spears.

Though they were more of the, more than Danzel had expected.

"Use your magic, remember that only you can protect yourself the best." Danzel said before turning into mist and dashing forward toward the wolfs.

Those who were to face him were quick to be cut despite their ice magic.

Despite that though, some of the wolves slipped through Danzel and went right toward the meat. Which was Shiro.

Shiro looked at the hungry wolfs with fear, but despite that, she didn\'t hesitate to use her magic.

"[Chain Dancing Lighting]" Her small hand pointed at the incoming wolfs and in the next instance, several lighting was shot through her hand and traveled like a wave to the ground chaotically, electrocuting 6 wolfs and killing them instantly.

But the 15 rest of them were still dashing at their meal.

3 of them quickly crashed upon the wall of bones that appeared suddenly in front of them and another wolf was dragged by an ethereal skeleton hand to crash into his neighbor.

The other 20 or so wolfs tried to jump to Danzel, which they quickly regret.

Though 10 wolves still dashed and quickly arrived at where Shiro was, who was preparing her next spell.

But her spell was interrupted as a blood splatter happend in front of her.

The sword of the living armor, Koji, was swung down and split the head of one of the wolfs, making a mess and some blood fall in front of Shiro.

Though Shiro was used to seeing things dying and massive destruction, seeing the brain and the blood fall on her face was too distracting for Shiro.


The two living armors stepped forward and became the shields of Shiro, they cut down the wolfs with precision and mercilessness, looking at how to efficiently cut their enemies and execute their master\'s order.

They did as such, though because of that, they didn\'t see a reason to defend against minor attacks.

One of the wolves bare his teeth and dug them into the leg of Niyuki and spread ice while another wolf jumped in the back of Koji in an attempt to bite near the shoulder and the neck.

Of course, such damaged was nothing to them and they quickly disposed of those wolves.

Though in Shiro\'s eyes, the way they were injured and protected her made her hands shake.

"F-[Fire Shock Breath]!" Shiro said while touching the ground full of snow with her small hands, in the next moment, flames came out around her like a tornado and quickly expanded.

Engulfing the two living armors and some of the wolfs in flames.

After the flames went out, the burned bodies of the wolfs were on the ground, dead and the living armor was still standing with no damage.

Shiro despite her age, knew very well that such a level of strength wasn\'t going to melt armors.

4 wolfs remained aiming to be the first to eat, but they soon realized that starving was better than being burned alive.

Though when they looked behind them, Danzel had slaughtered most of the wolfs, with 5 remaining.


One of them howled in retreat, but before they could, a light appeared in front of them.

With Koji and Niyuki standing in front of her, Shiro raised both her arms.

One holding a ball of flames while the other holding a ball made out of the darkness.

The two balls of two elements soon started to weave into each other, and fuse into one, while Shiro\'s hands were shaking.

She remembers Danzel\'s words.

That she should protect herself.

She had learned from a master of magic how to handle magic and she practices it constantly.

Putting what she had learned into action was what she needed to do.

And what she has created from that effort was something close to a miracle for her age.

The black flames symbolize chaos magic holding the strength of a 3rd-tier magic caster.

She lowers her hands and sends the ball of chaos flames toward the 4 wolfs. Resulting in an explosion that scorched the ground and send a shockwave through the area.

The result of the 4 wolfs was total obliteration, of course.

Facing a 3rd-tier spell with the most destructive type of element there was, was an obvious result.

Danzel who had finished the rest of the wolves also was surprised by the appearance of black flames. And he couldn\'t help but compare his "all-powerful fireball" to those black flames for a split second.

Honestly, though, he let those wolves slip passed him only to see the strength of his living armor.

Overall, he was satisfied with their strength, though the fact they didn\'t care much about defense and only executed their orders as best as possible was fault on its own.

"Maybe I should order them differently." He said as he sheathed his sword back on his scabbard.

He walked towards those three when he suddenly felt a vibration on the ground.


Turning around, Danzel\'s ethereal eyes went completely out for a good 2 seconds.

"D-Dammit!!!" Danzel immediately started running towards the three of them behind his back.

As an avalanche was behind his back, coming like a tsunami made out of snow.

"Hey, Rue! Did you see my magic-"

Before Shiro could finish, Danzel grabbed her and put her on his shoulder, running towards the edge of where they are.

"Ah..." That\'s when she finally notices the result of her magic.

"Hey, can you use flying magic?" Danzel said in his cold voice.

"I-I don\'t know of such magic..."

Danzel shook his head internally.

"You two, hold your ground and stain intact." Danzel ordered the two living armors.

They followed his orders and pierced their sword to the ground while kneeling.

Danzel also used his magic to create several walls of stones in front of them, before leaving them behind.

"Hey! Why are you leaving them behind!?" Shiro said while hitting Danzel back, with possible force.

Ignoring her question, Danzel said with an ominous voice.

"It\'s time to learn how to fly..."


Halting his steps at the edge of the mountain, Danzel grabbed Shiro with both of his sends and literally threw her with all his strength off the edge, as high and far as he could possibly do.


Of course, Shiro started to cry out in fright.

"So annoying..." Danzel said as he jumped off the edge.

Seconds later as he did, the avalanche reached them, and a wave of snow started to follow the mountain as if it was chasing Danzel.

Wherever the 2 living armors survived he didn\'t know. He simply waited till he met the ground. But as he was falling, he noticed a small light appearing through the distance. It was so brief that one would doubt wherever it happend but Danzel saw it.

Though that wasn\'t his priority.

After falling several tens of meters, he soon met the ground.

The ground cracked as Danzel landed with no damage at all.

He then turned into mist and traveled through the air towards where Shiro was screaming her throat out.

Once he appeared at her, he didn\'t catch her in case he would break her back. He instead dragged her with him, which reduced the fall till he was sure he wouldn\'t break anything by grabbing her.

When he arrived at the ground, he drew his sword and swung it into the air, which resulted in a wave of ice spreading, and making several spikes in a form of a wall.

He then cast [Stone Wall] several times.

"Shiro, cast any type of barrier that you can," He said with a cold yet urgent voice.

Though her eyes filled with tears, Shiro made a barrier out of mana around them just before the snow arrived and crashed at the walls that Danzel created.

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