The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 333 Warmongers (3)

Ignoring the small fries that he Sutter around, Sartan dashed further into the enemy lines.

The soldiers of arcana tried to stop him from advancing by any means necessary, only to fail miserly and to be cut down by the massive halbert.

The way he swung this weapon contained no art or mastery of the weapon, instead, it was used savagely only to cut down his enemies.

Every attack that they threw at Sartan wasn\'t blocked.

Usually, doing as such was extremely foolish.

But because of Sartan\'s regeneration capabilities, such short of the eye for an eye tactic worked in his favor.

The soldiers who were about to face such a thing couldn\'t help but think of him as an immortal.

Out of the crowd of soldiers, a total of 5 flew towards the coming Sartan with extreme speed. Each of them wears a faceless mask with spears.

"Hmm?" Sartan took notice of them.

"Restrain this Mighty flow! [Arcane Suppression]!" Each of those masked figure said while pointing their free palm toward Sartan.

In the next moment, a total of 5 magic circles appeared on Sartans limbs and neck.

Sartan in result looked down at the magic circle in confusion.

"Die! Immortal Juggernaut!" They said in unison, as they penetrated their mana imputed spears into his chest and one trying to penetrate his skull.

Only for the magic circle on his left hand to break and caught the spears with ease.

Seeing that, the one masked figure tried to pull his spear back by reflex. Securing his fate for you.

Pulling the spear suddenly towards him, the masked man came to face in the face with Sartan.

But the only thing that he saw next was red and black.

Sartan who opened his mouth wide closed his mouth, bit down half of the man\'s head, and then chew, his tusk filled with blood.

"Such a bad taste." He said while glancing at one of the masked figures.

Seeing what happend to their colleagues, they decided to be wiser and let go of their spears to flee.

But before they could, the other 4 magic circle broken.

Raising his halbert and swinging it towards them, he directly cleaved through 3 of them, only one managing to distance himself.

"Hahaha! Do you believe that you can escape me!?"

Dashing at the escapee and leaving craters on the ground, it took him only 2 seconds to catch up with the masked figure.

"Let me help you fly faster!" He said with a wide smile, his teeth and tusk stained with blood.

Raising his leg and kicking the masked man with tremendous strength. The magic caster barely managed to generate a barrier around his body before feeling the leg hitting his guts.

And then he was sent flying at 10 times the speed he flied before, his barrier broken into bits and all his internal being squeezed for good. Send flying towards the wall, once his body hit the wall, his bottom half was binned down where his other half was cut off and sent to the other side of the walls.

At such terrifying sight, Sartan only showed a satisfied grin.

The spears penetrating his body slowly went out of their own and once full out, they revealed no signs of any wounds.

Though in the next moment, his chest was once again impaled by some huge insectoid legs, crashing his heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.

"Bwaagh!" Throwing up blood from his mouth, Sartan looked at the tall female who had 6 spider legs behind her back, 4 of them currently penetrating his body.

The weird part of these all was that the parts of her body and clothes were transparent and slowly regaining color.

Sartan\'s eyes turned cold, his previous spread killing intent was now focused on that woman.

Without showing any emotions in her eyes, she pulled the spider legs back and stepped back. But Sartan Halbert was faster, swinging and cutting the female\'s head off.

And yet her body still moved several meters away, standing on the ground with her spider legs.

Seeing that, Sartan moved towards her decapitated head, and using his halbert to skewer the head, he brought the halbert close to his face and took a bite of the head.

After chewing for a bit, Sartans spewed the squeezed remains to the ground.

"B*tch...does every single of you taste like horse sh*t?"

In the next moment, the huge holes in his chest closed up and all organs were regenerated to their peak state.


Currently on top of one side of the walls.

The magic casters were desperately trying to fight the enemy that was slaughtering them.

"What are you all doing!? Cast your spells at her!" The commanding officer yelled as he saw a humanoid figure covered with a black bandage made of material that any metal he ever saw. Except for her long white hair coming out of her head and those purple eyes, she was fully covered with this stuff!

If it weren\'t for her long hair and the curves of her body that couldn\'t be hidden by the black bandage, they wouldn\'t have been able to identify her if she was a male or a female.

But whether she was male or female didn\'t matter to the commanding officer now.

He was thinking of how to get rid of her.

The way she was moving was different from that of Sartan\'s reckless style.

Each of her movements had a goal and an end.

Both the former and latter mainly focused on killing everyone in her sight. She moved like an acrobat while kicking and punching the magic caster to death.

Any barrier conjured on them proved to be useless so far.

Not only did any of the none physical elemental magic not harm her, but physical attacks also proved to be nothing to her. Mostly because she dodges them with ease.

And he couldn\'t order the usage of large area magic attacks to be used while she was among their ranks.

All he could do was waste her time being here than anywhere else.

He already commanded the other side of the wall to leave towards the backline of the army to regroup while they were here.

\'Is this it?\' the commanding officer thought internally as he saw the death\'s scythe coming closer to him.

But then a huge shadow was cast down and soon after, a huge figure landed behind the commanding officer, crushing a few magic casters on his landing.

\'A mutant?\' The commanding officer thought as he saw 5 figures hover around the mutant behind him with black feathers and a lizard\'s tail.

Realizing that reinforcements came, he celebrated.

"Soldiers! Reinforcements of the Arcane came to our rescue! Now there is nothing to fear-"

Before he knew it, the world froze in place and slowly filled with black liquids as he started to fall to the ground.

More accurately said, pieces of his body fell to the ground.

The mutant hands now have talons stained with the commanding officer\'s blood.

"Ghhhhhhh!!!!" The mutant known as A-14 screamed, behind the metal plate of his mouth.

His lizard tail swung violently and hit a few magic casters behind him out of the wall to fall before dashing towards Vanessa.

Vanessa who saw all A-14 couldn\'t help but said out loud.

"Since when do chickens become so large?"


Back at the remains of Sartans destructive entrance.

The smoke that Sartan raised was dissipating, making the disoriented soldiers start to recognize the hidden threat that he was.

Since they couldn\'t retreat with an immortal juggernaut rampaging behind them, they had to face the dark mist knight.

But that was easier said than done.

Danzel sword was merciless and swift, killing every attempt of fighting him.

Making them change their tactics.

They pointed their spears directly towards him and with their little mana, they activated the enchantments of their weapons to release a small mana shot.

But even that was useless with the skull shield he had.

Even the few that hit the target seemed to be ineffective.

The few 3rd-tier warriors that were mixed tried to overwhelm them with numbers, but even they proved to be useless against him.

In everyone\'s mind, the dark mist knight was an existence that already reached the 4th-tier. A powerhouse they could never overcome.

And amid despair, another problem showed from behind them.


Screams of pain were heard from those cowardly standing in the back.

Turning their heads back, all they saw was a huge bulged man with a cleaver-like sword charging with a huge moment. Running over and crashing everyone in his path.

Not only that, but he also swung the huge cleaver to cut the soldiers while he continued his charge.

His speed was close to that of a train going at full speed, making the bulgy man close the distance towards the dark mist knight.

Danzel who was focused on his killing spree reacted accordingly and pushed his shield between him and the charging man.

But he underestimated the man\'s strength.


Once the shield and the arm of the bulgy man-made contact, Danzel felt a huge amount of force coming from his shield.

He was being pushed and his feet digging in the earth.

And as he lost his footing, the bulgy man exerted more strength, sending Danzel flying.

Falling and rolling a few times to the ground before catching himself.

Though he didn\'t waste his time rolling to the ground.

With his cursed sword glowing in a dark green light, he swung his sword twice, releasing two [Soul Reaping Wind]\'s at the bulgy man.

And surprisingly, he didn\'t bother dodging them and let them hit his chest.

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