The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 244 Necromancer´S Curiosity.

"Haah~ Haah~"


Cutting the haggard breath, Danzel\'s long sword clashed with the silver sword of the knight.

There was only a moment where the two swords were equal to each other, but that moment was short-lived as Danzel\'s sword was pushing forward.

"Haah~You monster~!" Using his life force to strengthen his body, he pushed the dark knight\'s sword away and took a large step back to create some distance from each other.

The silver knight\'s sweat was clearly to be seen on his face and his breathing indicated that the man was heavily exhausted.

"You...are an undead aren´t you?" The silver knight said frustrated.

Walking closer to the silver knight, Danzel\'s armor seemed to have some scratches, but soon those scratches were covered by the dark metal from his armor.

Behind him lay the corpse of the knight that wielded the dark sword.

The knight\'s corpse had his neck sliced, leaving a puddle full of blood near the corpse, but the most noticeable thing was how his skin dried up and looked like that of a mummy.

"Took you long to notice." Danzel said as he held a grin on his face.

If one were to see him, it would look as if he was opening his mouth a bit, but Danzel was currently in quite a nice mood.

Not only did he fight for a whole 30 minutes against those 2 knights, but his armor also got damaged, albeit only slightly.

At first, he thought that with his superior stats, he would be able to make quick work out of those 2 two knights, but he couldn´t be more wrong.

His stats themself were far superior, while he was on the peak of the 3th-tier, those 2 were around the middle, if not a bit lower.

Nevertheless, even with the individual strength difference, the swordsmanship of the duo far surpassed their actual strength.

Fighting those two felt as if he were fighting someone wielding 4 swords respectively. Not a single-blind spot to make use of and relentless attacks that never allowed him to drop his guard for a second.

The many scratches on his armor were of the attacks he barely managed to dodge.

Finding himself in such a situation, Danzel used his nature as an undead to his advantage.

A battle of endurance.

Not only did he cast both his curses towards both the knights, but with the endless stamina of one of the undead, Danzel waited till one of them hit the bucket.

And after the whole 30 minutes, the knight wielding a dark sword had soon hit the limit, making him take a mistake that cost his life. Being inflicted with curses that brought exhaustion and pain, he fell victim to Danzel\'s long sword.

Thus, bringing them to the current present.

Of course, the silver knight has the same curses inflicted upon his mortal body.

"Anyone with half a brain would and experience would have noticed." The silver knight said with a fake smile.

Through their fight, the silver knight noticed that he couldn´t hear a single breath coming from the undead in front of him even after fighting for over 30 minutes.

People with a body of a 3rd-tier could well easily last hours if they wanted, but to not let a single breath out was in the realm of impossible for someone of the living.

Just thinking about the current situation and his dead brother laying cold on the ground filled the silver knight in anger and frustration.

"Haha~, to think I wanted to join that necromancer´s mercenary group...I bet that necromancer would be disappointed in his undead using such cowardly methods."

Hearing his words, Danzel frowned internally, as the word necromancer got his attention.

`Well, I can ask that after I am done with him...´ Danzel thought as he open his mouth.

"...You call me a coward when I faced you two alone? Maybe if that magic caster had stayed, you two might have the chance to beat me."

`Although at that point I would have run away.´ Danzel added mentally in the end.

He knew his limits, or at least he thought he did.

And fighting those 2 knights while having support from that old magic caster was a big no for him.

Though he wanted the XP and his mission to finish faster, he valued his life even more than some mere numbers.

Dashing forward, he slashed done with his long sword aiming for the knight\'s head.


Their swords held each other from splitting more blood, but the difference was that the knight was holding his sword with both hands and Danzel with one.

Pushing forward, he sent out a punch straight to the man\'s guts.


Not having much strength to react fast enough, the punch connected and let his saliva fly out of his mouth.

The only thing preventing his fist from going inside the man\'s stomach was the little life force he used to protect himself. But even with life force, the man found himself kneeling with no further strength to fight back.

" and my brother will be awaiting you on the other side, you monster."

What were the last words of the knight wielding the silver sword before he got decapitated by one swift swing.

[You received 80 000 XP]

Watching the body fall off, Danzel scoffed out loud.

"Hmpf, talking about the other side when you don´t even know what it looks like. Hope your wish doesn´t turn true." Danzel said as he cleaned his sword from the blood using the rune in his sword.

With his sword now clean, Danzel removed his helmet by putting it in the storage ring so that he sees his reflection from his sword.

"It seems I lack the countermeasures against a magic caster. To think he would damage me to such extent..."

Staring at a small hole that his skull had with multiple cracks and around his eye socket that it melted to some extent, he cursed internally.

`Dammit, more than half of my HP has been reduced by a sole spell, which shouldn´t affect me as much.´

Even when he was under the effect of [Sin of Wrath], he still couldn´t do much against the old magic caster and that pissed him off big time.

Attacking him with the sword would result in getting electrocuted, in range he would get harassed by other spells and if he let his guard done as he did under [Sin of Wrath], he would have to take a bath of flames.

All options he had were awful.

It was only through sheer strength that allowed him to scare the old magic caster.

"I would need to increase my skills and hopefully find a combination that is good against magic casters. Although curses seem quite good, the time they take to do a meaningful difference is too long."

Letting the black metal of his armor fall off from his current armor, he also gazed bitterly at the scratches of his armor.

"Though I said that...maybe carving some runes to the armor would be wiser. Since I only got one armor, I might as well go for the best and aim for the next grade runes."

Danzel felt conflicted, although he had a large amount of XP in his storage, he knew too well that all his XP could disappear in a matter of a few seconds of getting carried away.

"Baah! I will decide later, I better go collect the laying stuff before I forget." Danzel said as he walked towards the rumbles.

Walking on top of the rumbles, he sends out a kick and pushed a large amount of stone away, revealing a large hand reaching out to Danzel with ill intent.

"Useless." Danzel said as he swung his sword towards the hand and cut it with ease.

"Ahhhhhh!" A loud scream came out of the man whose hand cut off.

The man who was screaming from extrusion amount of pain was none other than the barbarian himself.

Before his scream could be over, Danzel stomped his chest, making him unable to move.

"Now then...since I killed everyone and the last guy got my curiosity in the end. Why won´t you be the one who answers my question.

The man send out a hated glare towards the dark knight, but the moment he saw the skull with its dark green ethereal eyes staring back at him, his face paled even more.

"U-Undead!?" the barbarian screamed in horror.

`I guess the silver knight was right.´ Danzel thought as he made a stack of papers appear in his hand.

"Now before answering my question, do know that laying to me would be useless." Danzel said in a sinister tone.

Those pieces of papers were none other than a bunch of contracts that didn´t have the details written in.

As the barbarian was giving him a hand and offering his blood, making a contract with him was nothing difficult.

"Now with my first there another necromancer beside me?"

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