The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 232 Upper Tier Undead Choice

[Please choose the race you want to evolve to]

The moment the choice option appeared, the dead mana inside his body shot out and drowned the whole room with the dead mana.

Although if he were to do that, Danzel\'s mana would be quickly drained, this time it wasn´t the case. It was as if the spent dead mana that was being released was going back into his body only to continue the circle.

Making the scene look like Danzel bathing in a beacon of dead mana, with him being in the center.

While Danzel watching what was happening to his mana, he noticed a part of mana being dark green, suggesting that this mana was from his affinity itself and not the dead mana.

He quickly took notice of that because the dark green mana was raising in front of him and started to take a form right in front of him.

What was much weirder was that the mana that was supposed to come out of him, felt foreign to some extent. He could feel that it was his mana, but for a reason unknown to him, the mana felt much purer and stronger, yet lacking something that his weaker mana had.

Before he could make head and tails out of this phenomenon, four large status screens overlapped with his foreign mana.

"This is..." Seeing the status screen appear in front of him, he imminently realized what it was based on the picture that there was to be seen.

There was a total of four different pictures, each having a description and the name of the picture.

Staring at the left picture, Danzel recognized the name of this character being mentioned in the Necronomicon that he had.

It read.


A 4th-tier undead that according to the Necronomicon was supposed to be a headless undead who held its head and route stead that bought death to all.

And based on the picture, Danzel could say that it was really accurately depicted.

In the picture where the moonlight was present, standing on top of a hill was an armored skeleton horse which had his armor and heels stained with the blood of the corpses below the hill. Those below who were still alive run with a terrifying expressions on their face.

Even though the skeleton horse would be considered scary, Danzel guessed that the terrifying expression of those mortals wasn´t from the horse itself, but the being that rode on it.

The being in question wore a dark plated armor similar to Danzel\'s past armor, the only difference was that the place where its head was supposed to be was nothing but space. The headless humanoid figure had an ominous blade that was chipped up heavily in one hand, his other hand was raised up and holding the missing head.

The crimson ethereal eyes of the Dullahan´s head blighted the moonlight into red and made it seem like a blood moon, while its scream brought out an eternal fear into the hearts of the mortals who were unlucky enough to cross paths with this Dullahan.

At least that´s how it looked to Danzel.

Lowering his gaze towards the description, he began reading it.

[Dullahan]: A Warrior who defied death itself and manifested himself after losing his head. Out of the many undead, a Dullahan is of the few ones that can´t be artificially be created by the use of Necromancy. Only those with the strongest will to enact their vengeance towards those who cut their head can turn into Dullahan´s, making each and every single one of them into an immortalized walking disaster upon the living.

Turning his head after finishing the one description, he looked to the one beside it.

This picture was taken place in a graveyard filled with bones and opened up graves at the night.

And among one of those very graves was a huge hugged back skeleton whose chest had other skeletons\' skulls fused together.

Another surprising fact was that this undead had another set of arms directly to its back, each holding a large sword.

Its other hands were collecting other parts of skeletons.

[Gravekeeper]: a rare type of Undead who infused its body with the fallen undead to increase its dead mana. Each collected body has a chance of enabling the skill for the Gravekeeper to use. They are known for being masters of weapons with terrifying strength that have as many lives as they have skulls in their chests. Although their absorption of dead mana makes them stronger, that brings them to lose a large part of their mana senses from their own mana, making them unable to cast complicated spells.

"Uwagh..." Danzel muttered upon finishing reading the description of [Gravekeeper]

Because of the pressure that was given to him during his evolution, he first decided to read them all before thinking of which one is the best to not waste any time.

But upon reading that description, he was amazed at how good it sounded.

Shaking his head, Danzel put those thoughts to the side for now and went to read the next one.

Compared to the [Dullahan] and [Gravekeeper] pictures where they had an ominous feeling.

The other could only be described as overwhelming.

In the picture, there were hundreds if not thousands of hundred of different undead fully equipped with items that could be similarly ranked as his new sword.

From Skeleton to zombies, Draugr to Wights, and much more other undead that Danzel didn\'t recognize we\'re staring at a Skeletor figure sitting on a throne made out of bones and metal of unknown origin.

With a golden crown, imputed with a purple mana crystal and robes filled with enchantments of the highest rank.

The skeleton figure was staring down at the undead army, while inside its chest was a crystal-shaped box glowing with ominous mana.

Danzel didn\'t need to read the title more description of this undead to realize what it was.

[Lich]:Magic caster\'s who either cast their mortality away by crafting the so-called phylactery and putting their soul in or Lesser Liches. They are considered the kings of the dead with their mastery of magic, especially those of the Dark Arts such as Necromancy.

Seeing the option of becoming a Lich surprised Danzel.

He long had thought that the option of becoming a magic caster type undead had been removed from the moment he chose to become a Wight. But seeing the option of a Lich, the most infamous of all the undead as the option was quite interesting.

\'That option is a no-go...I invested way too much in my physical attributes and skills. Becoming a Lich now would make those 3 years meaningless. But...\'

He was undead.

What were 3 mere years to an immortal being?

Though his current options power-wise were incredible, as of now his choice was more into becoming a Lich.

The reason for it was because the other choice had a much more different body than he currently had.

The [Dullahan] description had everything that he wanted but one thing.

The fact of being headless.

Maybe because using the talent [Undying], Danzel guessed he looked at the evolution option of becoming a [Dullahan].

Through his past years under the watch of Hanson, he figured out that the skills that he could buy directly were influenced by his knowledge and status information such as classes and his race.

How exactly it worked he didn\'t know, he just knew that it was somehow related to the option he would unlock.

So maybe because he came back from the dead after having his skull destroyed together with his physical strength.

As to why he got the option to become a [Gravekeeper] he had absolutely no clue.

Not only was this undead twice, if not thrice his current size.

But the fusion part sounded was as strong as it was creepy.

Maybe he gained it because he used different weapons, making his status give him another set of arms.

His hugged back and size though was enough for Danzel to cross him out of the options.

The Lich was much easier to guess as to why he got it, as he himself was capable of some amount of magic.

So if he didn\'t want to carry his head around or be an overly big skeleton with a meases body structure, Lich was the only option that he had left.

"No, there is still one..." Danzel muttered as he gazed at the final picture.

The picture was taking place on a battlefield filled with a red sky.

And as red, as the sky was, it couldn\'t be compared to the earth below.

Crimson blood stained the ground so much that the former pond.

Based on the crimson color that oozed from the corpses that were the source of such blood, one could guess that those corpses were slain recently.

And the corpses weren\'t a few to say the less.

One could count thousands of mortals laying dead on the ground.

And on top of those corpses, a figure wearing a dark plated armor and releasing an aura of death to his surroundings.

From his helmet, the two ethereal eyes looked through the surroundings, as if it was searching for another prey.

If one were to look closely towards the face of the sword-wielding figure, one could clearly see a skull gnashing his teeth with hate faithfully to the one of every undead.

Lowering his gaze Danzel read the character´s name.

And it stated.

[Death Knight]

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