The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 84 - I Will Let You Be My First

"Have you heard? The kingdom conquered the city of Seranan that was a fortress! The war is going well for our kingdom!" A man with a swollen stomach said to another man beside him.

"Huh? Stop lying on already, since when did you start drinking so early in the morning? Your wife will be fuming if she knew." The skinny man shook this head towards this friend of his.

"Hey! I ain´t lying this time! It´s true! Isn´t that right Jeffry?" 

The man that stood on this wall slowly opened this eyes and looked towards the two idiots who were his friend.

He wore a guard uniform.

"It is indeed true, I heard the news this morning. They gave me a day free, so let´s go already get a drink. This time I will pay..." He jiggled a gray back that made some metal sounds in front of them.


"Jeffry is the best!"

Jeffry looked at this guy with a frown on his face.

`So you celebrate when you are hearing about spending my own money ...´

As he was doubting about having chosen the wrong friends to hang out with, a deep cold voice sound behind all three, and a shadow was cast behind him.

"Can you move..."

"Huh? What do you wan-" 

Looking behind them, all three sucked their breath. Not daring to let a breath come out of their mouth.

What they saw was a huge man reaching at least two meters high wearing armor made out of pure metal. He had two thick pauldrons on both sides of this shoulder with the left having some small spikes coming out and another one being a bit taller than the other one.

His chest plate middle looked like a cross at top of a shield which if it weren´t for the dark gray color of the armor the man would even be mistaken as a paladin. With the two tassets that were protecting the sides of his thighs and the helmed that had four single small holes.

The man itself looked like an impenetrable dark knight.

`What is such a figure doing in the alleys?´

`Did we somehow offend him?´

`How is he able to carry so much weight without breaking a sweat?´

The three of them looked at the man with caution with many questions coming to their minds. They stared blankly at the man in front of them as if their spirit had gone away.

`Why aren´t they moving?´ Danzel was of course annoyed by those guys\' reaction.

He just came finished the third patch of the runed weapon after painstakingly working for a whole damn month. 

Of course, it was painstakingly is just a metaphor meaning.

The undead neither tire nor starve.

But that doesn´t count for our mental capabilities.

Even I get noticeably mentally exhausted from working 24/7 and doing the same thing over and over again. And even though I could finish the second patch of weapons and armor in a whole week. I didn´t.

Though Gerak received some complaints from the army for the slow delivery, I didn´t care at all.

After all, I thought my speed of carving runes was quite fast with every rune having the same quality if not a bit better. If we were to consider me as a mortal who has to eat and sleep the speed itself would half at best.

Thus I decided to spend some of my time in other stuff like reading the books and writing a bunch of stuff like what I did wrong in runes. 

Which was the main reason why it took me so long to finish the third patch of weapons which had even more than the second one...

I still couldn´t solve how his guys in the army could fit everything in that small ring.

With me finally seeing the sunlight again after a month, I was extremely pissed off from these three guys standing there looking like some dead fish.

The nature of me being undead didn´t help too since it aggravated me the more I stood there.

`Ugh, whatever.´

Walking past them, I simply pushed those guys to the side of the walls and continued walking.

"Ough! You bastard what was that for!?"

"That´s an assault to citizens! You aren´t going to get away!"

"Stop right there!"

Danzel simply ignored these three guys.

Though the three of them were afraid of him, their anger took the better of them.

It wasn´t because the man in the armor was rude to them, but rather of the force he used to push them to the wall. 

Though Danzel didn´t realize it, the force that he used was enough to hurt them.

The man with the swollen stomach arm started to show some black blue parts in this skin becoming all the more painful each second.

As for the skinny man, this arm was a small scar that was made from rubbing this arm through the wall.

The guard Jeffry was lucky enough to stand farther away from those guys, luckily avoiding the man.

All three of them felt that he was unreasonable and after being stunned by what just happend they realized something.

`His guy has neither an army armor nor an adventurer\'s badge. Considering that he must be a mercenary!´

After realizing his fact all three of them put up a small smile on their faces before accusing him.

You had to know that in the Berum kingdom, the job of a mercenary was between the gray area of the law with one step of crossing illegal areas. For a kingdom who were control freaks on their military strength, the mercenary was frown upon. Thus making the law in a sense unfair towards mercenaries.

After all, the adventures system that there is in Berum is an association made to control the mercenaries going by the name `adventures´.

And one of the laws going against the mercenaries was that harming a citizen resulted in a huge fine and possible imprisonment.

`Looking at his guy armor, he must be an insanely rich mercenary.´

The anger of their injuries disappeared with greed showing in their eyes.

"Jeffry! Arrest that guy!"

Jeffry\'s previews frown was replaced with a small smile on this face.

"Sorry guy, but as one of the city guards I will have you to follow me," Jeffry said while putting his hand in the sword of his.

`Now be good and pay for our drinks.´


Danzel who looked at them couldn´t help but ask himself...

Are they stupid?

`Even those undead goblins had more brain cells like your guys´

Of course, he knew what those guys were trying to do right now.

With me pretending to be a mercenary, Gerak did inform me of some basic laws that I had to look after.

"Sigh, humans greed indeed blind one shelf. I guess I will try Geraks present here..."

"Huh!? What are you..."

Looking at the gauntlet a window appeared in front of me.

[Heavy Dark Steel Armor]: Armor made by a journeyman dwarf blacksmith. With the skills of the dwarf, the armor turned tougher and lighter than it was supposed to be. Made from dark steel, the armor can absorb much more blunt force than pure steel is capable of. The armor itself makes it slightly easier to move mana around. Enchanted with a lower-tier enchantment which increases the resistance towards blunt and piercing damage.

`Let´s see this performance...´

Without even using any of his ability, he dashed forward towards the three men.

"You!" Jeffry jelled while drawing his sword.

Just as he drew the sword, Danzel was right in front of the blade.

Jeffry paled upon witnessing the speed of that man and cursed internally.

Unexpectedly though, the man didn´t dodge his blade and instead let himself be pierced by his sword.

"You idio-!" As he was about to celebrate, the unexpected happend.


The blade instead of going through the armor and ending his man\'s life. Was pushed to the side from the armor itself while creating smalls sparks.

"What!?" Dumbfounded, he was about to take a step back.

But he was swiftly grabbed from his mouth and pushed back to the wall.


"Jeffry!" The fatty and the skinny called out.

"Where did your confidence of before guy?"

Holding him to the air against the wall, Danzel said towards all three of them.

"Don´t worry, I will let you be my first." 

As the man was still screaming in his hands, a dark green ethereal glow came from Danzel\'s gauntlet. 

And soon the man\'s eyes were engulfed with fair and he started to flay all crazily around.

"MHHM! Mhmmm...! mhm..." 

Both fatty and the skinny man looked at their good friend scream horsly with fear, but slowly the fear turned into dread.

The guard\'s face turned tinner by the second until his face became like one of the mummies.

His before healthy skin turned into a necrotic one with no vitality to show.

[You received 1500 XP]


Letting the mummy go, Danzel turned towards the other two that fell to the ground. And with a vicious grin on his face, he said.

"You two are next..." 

The previous dark green glow re-ignited again as he walked towards the two men.

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