The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 46 - We Aren't Going To Be Fooled!

Strengthening my legs with my mana, I kicked the ground and dashed towards the group in front of me.

Such sight startled the slavers.

Just looking at the eerie dark green mana and the speed that I was coming at them made the group feel a sense of dread coming at them.

But no one except the middle-aged man understood what their current situation was.

"Everyone! This guy is a warrior! Someone go and cal-." He said rapidly with a pale expression through this face.

But as those guys\' were still trying to comprehend the situation that they were in.

I had already reached one of the groups.

"Dammit, how is a warrior in suc-"

Not bothering to answer this question, I raised my Veren sword and swung it at this right shoulder with both my hands.

Maybe cause my attack was a way of obvious, but the man hurriedly held this short sword in the path of my swing.

\'Heh, if he is still inexperienced, then he shouldn\'t be that strong of a warrior!\'

But this thought was brutally crushed when the two blades crushed each other.

The moment when my Veren sword collided, even with the help of both these hands supporting this sword, the man felt incredible pressure coming behind this sword.

"Too weak..."

Instead of the Veren sword stopping at this track, it started digging into the man\'s shoulder.


Not being able to withstand the pain coming from this shoulder, dropping this short sword and created some distance between me.

Well, at least he tried.

Instead of staying there frozen like a statue and let my prey getaway.

I followed suit and raised my hand to my right side. Gathering all my strength, I hit the man with my knuckles directly at this jaw!

The result wasn\'t a nice sight to see...



With this jaw now broken, he fell to the ground.

[You received 1200 XP]

"Die you bastard!"

Since the others weren\'t just going to watch me killing them one by one. They all decided to rush at me to get my head.

All but except one guy.

"No, Stop! Don\'t underestimate him!"

But the words of the middle-aged man fell into

deaf ears.

"Get him!"

"He is only one!"

"Kill him!"

Watching them scream until their saliva was flying out of their mouths wasn\'t only disgusting but laughable as well.

\'You think that your numbers will make a difference?\'

Although I thought that, they did make a difference.

With the current stats different between me and them I was easily able to kill three more of those "thieves".

But things started to look for the worse the I was surrounded.

While the Veren sword was, in my opinion, a first-class item, which always has a sharp edge and in a sense infinite durability with these runes. The core weakness of it was easily seen by those thieves...

The weakness of a longsword that is.

"You idiot! You can\'t even use your weapon!"

Seeing me that I had already swung to one of these now-dead comrades, one of them jumped at the moment of opportunity and swung this sword at my shoulder.

The blade dug right through my armor into my shoulder bone, stopping halfway before completely cutting my shoulder bone into two.

\'Huh? This\'s almost as if he doesn\'t have any fles-\'

Before the man could finish these thoughts, a chilling hand gripped this shoulder with enough force to bent this knees and rooting him in place.

"You think that would be enough?" Raising my Veren sword in the air, I pierced the man through this chest.

"Huh...?" Realizing what just happened he was shocked!

He thought that the wound he made on this knight would even be enough to finish him off or at least close to.

But this knight didn\'t even care about the wound on this shoulder! Rather it didn\'t even hinder these movements!

Losing this strength in this body, he slowly drifted to this death.

The last thing he saw was the hollow eyes behind the knight\'s helmet.

[You received 1200 XP]

\'So annoying... these guys aren\'t just stronger than the goblins in the cave but they also have the brains to not mindless rush at him...\'

But as I was thinking of my current situation, my thoughts got interrupted by a shallow feeling of danger from behind me.

But before I could even turn around, another one of the thieves stabbed me with this short sword through my stomach area.

"Heh! How about tha-"

Not letting him finish, I turned around and swung the Veren sword at him, beheading him on this place.

\'Tch, where do you guys even aiming at?"


"How is he still standing!?"

"His liver should even be pierced! Doesn\'t he feel pain!?"

As the slavers were shocked at my endurance and thoughts of running away started to appear on their mind.

One of them pointed at me and with full confidence he said.

"Guys, I figured it out!"

Saying that everyone\'s focus was on him.

"I know what this guy is!" He said out loud while straightening this back full of pride.

Hearing that even I stopped my ongoing slaughter.

\'Did this guy figured out that I am an Undead...?\'

As everyone had different kinds of though, one of them couldn\'t bear the ongoing silence.

"Tell us already! What did you find out!"

Launching mysteriously, the man shared this unbounded wisdom.

"This lack of pain and fear of getting injured! There is only one race capable of that!

\'This guy...!\' He already knows!?

"Tell us already!" every slaver said in union.

"Hehe, this guy\'s race is..."

\'No good, I got to kill him before he says that I am an undead!\' I hastily gathered my mana into the Veren sword.

But my reaction was too late!

"This guy is a troll!"

"Eh?" As if someone throws some ice-cold water into my bones, I froze.

But all others exploded in understanding as if the math problem that was plugin their minds for several days has been finally answered.

"I see! No wonder he is still standing on these feet! All these wounds regenerate the moment the wound is made!"

"This guy is using this body to lure us in!"



"We aren\'t going to be fooled!"

"Idiots..." I mumbled to myself.

\'One thing I was sure about. If Ignorance was privileged of fools, then do guys were dumbasses!\'

\'How did those guys end up in such a conclusion? And the heck is a troll!?\'

What else surprised me was that instead of them being more careful around me they were more...reckless?

Before they self-declared me as a troll, these guys were simply circling me looking for opportunities to get a piece out of me.

Which were quite effective methods with me winding a longsword.

But now instead of them playing it safe with less risk on their lives, they started swarming me continuously.

Although that created more holes in my armor and some of my bones to be cracked. The result of this of them dying more quickly!

"Continue attacking him! He slowed down!"

"If we managed to make him our slave, we will be rich!"

"He is getting tired! just a little more and we got this troll bastard!"


At this point I was speechless.

Make me a slave? Don\'t you see that you guys are getting slaughtered?

And I am getting tired?

I am a fricking UNDEAD!

If I can get tired, then so can pigs fly at 20 match speed!

As I was laughing at the stupidity of those guys, I didn\'t know that these punch actions did actually have a point.

The demi-humans that are trolls have a well know racial ability that most people know in this world.

And that was regeneration.

But such an ability can either be considered a curse or a blessing.

In battle, trolls are easily able to regenerate small wounds, organs, and even some of their body parts such as their hands if given enough time.

And similar to how the world is...

Nothing comes without a price!

Since their regeneration doesn\'t come out of nothing, they still need nutrients for it to work.

And regeneration without enough nutrients quickly exhaust trolls, which make them extremely safe to catch and sell as they are highly valued in the alchemy industry...

Thus a curse.

And since I wasn\'t a troll myself.

Those guys\' actions were truly pointless!

And I wasn\'t the only one who noticed that.

Some of them had already run away unbeknownst to others!

\'Hmmm, if I remember right do guys have a boss or something the like...I guess it\'s time to try the new trick\'

Slowly gathering my dark green mana in my hand, I cast [Curse of Vigor] upon the middle-aged man who just started to run away.

Previously with my fight against the Rapha guy, I realized a hidden function on curse magic...or at least the [Curse of Vigor] spell.

Although it isn\'t much, I somewhat am capable to sense the mana placed upon my spell\'s victims.

This makes at the same time tracking spell!

\'Hmpf, consider yourself lucky of being the chosen one! After I finish with those idiots I will come and guide you through your fate!\'

Pretending to have been exhausted, I continued killing these idiots while watching my XP storage filling up....

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