Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO

Chapter 94 94: Bonding

"A-ah... Well then."

Her body trembled, worried about how he would view her knowing the truth; she was a monster from another world, much like the goblins or wolves he had fought in the game since the past week.

"I am from a small world of beasts known as Fluugel."

Slowly, she described her world with an elegant but timid tone.

The world of Fluugel wasn\'t as large as Asteria, maybe half the size at most, and almost entirely made up of beast tribes, who would start as animals and then turn into human forms once reaching maturity.

Her territory was a small cluster known as Wolteria in the southern reaches of Fluugel, bordering several other tribes. However, the Vulptis clan was led by her mother, and her father ruled the small area with an iron paw.

"You see, in the wolf clans and most canine families, the females ruled because of our stronger bodies and affinity with mana, while the males would look after the cubs and pups, focusing on chores within the tribe..."

Griselda\'s tail swayed with an uneasy feeling which transmitted to Zell as his hand reached out and stroked her cute little ears; although she became a sensual beauty, it was still his cute noble wolf in the end.

Softly, he stroked her fluffy ears, causing her body to shudder and gasp with a pleasured moan.

"Don\'t worry, Griselda, whether men or women lead; it doesn\'t matter to me; all I want to know is about you and my cute werewolf\'s life."

His gentle and soothing voice caused her body to tremble, the stone under her butt a little wet from her honey; once they reached their humanoid form, all animals would become much more honest with their desires and needs, especially the Vulptis females.

Like a spring melody, her soft voice began to describe the vibrant forests, fun prey to hunt and tasty rabbits with vivid and bright shining eyes.

She spoke of how after several years, her tribe was given the kingdom title and ruled over the surrounding tribes, filled with ferrets, badgers and pesky cats.

\'She\'s so adorable...\' He thought, engrossed in her stories.

Then the story seemed to reach the moment it all changed.

"One day, my mother and several of the huntresses came back filled with wounds, and many died; although I wanted to know what happened back then, I was a mere pup, and they forced me back into my pen despite being the "princess" of the Vulptis kingdom."

However, the noble young lady was brilliant and managed to burrow a hole over the years to escape and play hidden from the adults.

She used this hole to infiltrate the meeting area, listening to the conversations.

"What do you mean we\'re doomed, Edelweiss? Can\'t we fight back against those strange bastards?" Growled one of the older council members, old and wise, meant to support the current leader.

Edelweiss, a beautiful woman with huge breasts, thick muscles and furry arms with large claws, snarled at the more petite old woman with black fur. "Do you not understand? The Kumatora kingdom has already been devastated by them! Now they march south in great numbers; even the smallest of their tribe is stronger than me!"

"What!? You must be joking!" another council member stated

"Yes, why do you lead our huntresses with such incompetence!"

From that moment on, it became a blame game; while Edelweiss sat down, her face filled with sorrow, unspeaking and watching the joke of her tribe, all she could think of was her daughter\'s safety and helping her clan survive.

\'What should I do?\'

Griselda stopped speaking; her voice became a little weak and trembled before she leaned against Zell\'s shoulder, her warm flesh and slight fur tickling him as he wrapped more cloth around her body, enjoying the soft and pleasant feel of her plump body.

"So, the ones that attacked were?"

"Mmm, demons, and unlike here, we didn\'t get any help as it seemed our people didn\'t believe in things like gods or garnered enough faith to attract their gaze until the very last moment..."

Fierce, angry green eyes glowed as she wrapped her arms around his firm body.

"We didn\'t stand a chance; before the meeting ended, they struck..."

"I watched as the demons slaughtered every single person that was kind to me, gave me presents or treated me well was torn apart, limb by limb, despite the valiant fighting of my mother and her battle sister...\'

Griselda looked down as tears dripped down her face.

"A giant demon came; he announced himself as Auris, the demon brute."

She grasped onto his clothes with trembling hands, and the moment she opened her lips, a slight howling sob followed, "M-mother, still tried to resist, but the demon... He ripped her in two... before I could even blink, my wonderful strong mother was killed.."

Several moments passed, her soft body comforted by his gentle strokes and soothing body heat.

"Then..." Griselda continued.

Her saddened look transformed into anger, hatred and spite.

"Those bastards came, after all; a few cubs and I remained. He called himself the god of righteousness, purity and justice!"

Griselda looked towards Zell\'s face, an angry and twisted look as if she wanted to rip someone apart with her bare hands. Her face pushed closed, rubbing her nose against his cheeks, sniffing and taking his scent to calm her down.

Deep breathes, enjoying his sweet, calming scent.

"Do you know what they did next?"

Zell took a slight breath, tasting the wild and fruity scent of this new Griselda, before wrapping his arms around her back, feeling her warm fleshy breasts pushing against his chest.

A light gasp left her lips as two hard cherries began to rub against him.

"I am going to guess they didn\'t avenge your fallen mother and tribe, right?"


As if filled with madness, her head snapped back, filling the air with a burst of almost crazed laughter, the fierce green glow of her eyes more demonic that his wearing the wolf helmet!

The scene returned to her memories, showing a tall male with handsome features and another pretty, young female goddess who resembled Veronica\'s face slightly with her odd eyes, one gold, the other silver.

"Wolf cub, do you wish to live on?" The handsome man with golden hair said towards the cowering young Griselda, who lay in her urine with her front paws broken.

"L-live on? Can you not avenge my mother\'s death?"

His head shook before sneering, "Why would I fight demons for mere dogs? You are useful and can be used to enslave your entire race in the garden of Eden; now tell me, do you wish to live on or die along with your bitch mother?"

The young Griselda wanted to begin shouting and rip this bastard apart, yet the moment she started to show hostility, her body was pinned to the ground, all her bones began to crack, and her organs ruptured with blood pouring from her nose.

"I am not a man of patience; if you accept, I can revive your mother and the others. If you refuse me, I will kill you like the filthy mutt you are!"


Tears filled her eyes, faced with the disgrace of running from their enemies; Vulptis wolves never feared the enemy, and the young Griselda forced herself to her feet.

Loud cracks and snapping sounded, and her young body couldn\'t fight against the male before suddenly all the pressure stopped.

A young woman cradled the little wolf with her eyes full of tears as she stroked and helped heal all the damage to the poor young Griselda.

She whispered with a trembling voice. "I\'m sorry little wolf; we cannot just kill the demons. If we did, all life would cease to exist, and then we couldn\'t even revive your tribe for the chance to one-day fights again; please believe my father... At least, I promise on the name of Astra Goddess of Fate that you will one day find someone who shall help you get revenge and free your mother and tribe, to once again stand tall with pride and glory.."

\'Astra?\' Zell thought, wondering how long ago this happened.

"The next moment, the little girl\'s body started to glow with golden light; when I came too, all my family and I were alive inside a strange forest, the one you entered a few days ago... However, that was almost ten years ago now."

"So the girl helped you? Then why do you hate the gods?" Zell asked, his hands stroking her soft fur teasing her swayinail as it slapped him away, acting coy.

"I don\'t hate her, that girl... the moment she did that for me. The Godd of "Justice" pierced the young girl with a light spear through her chest before hitting her repeatedly, and then I lost consciousness..."


Griselda gave a light yelp before her panting grew louder; in his contemplation, Zell began to stroke the base of her tail, now touching close to her butt, which made the poor wolf become aroused, rubbing her soft body against him as she tried to focus on her story, there was more, but it could wait.

Sadly moments later, a loud cough sounded as a pouting Veronica marched over, pointed at the half-naked Griselda, and gave a cheeky voice. "Oi, stop molesting my... stop molesting Zell! Hmph!" Before patting her away and taking out a black robe-like dress that was rather ornate and beautiful and helped Griselda wear it.

I asked a favour, someone, to make it. Veronica whispered out of Zell and Cryska\'s hearing, "don\'t worry, this will change into a small harness and leather armour when you transform... Hmph! Please don\'t hog Zell always; you\'re so pretty he won\'t look at me!"

The beautiful werewolf only smiled before giving a natural and relaxed laugh. Her emerald eyes narrowed, looking at her Master, who began to flirt with the pretty Cryska in her succubus form. Although there was far more to tell, she had eternity with him and wanted to enjoy the sweetness of being at his side some more as her tail began to sway rapidly.

\'Master, you didn\'t look unpleasant once knowing I am a monster... that is enough for me right now, that woman, the Goddess Astra. I am sure this was all her plan for me to roam here alone and meet you by fate.\'


"What are you laughing about alone... Weird dog, did you enter the heat? Ah! Don\'t hug me... your huge tits are killing me! Wap!? Help!"

Griselda felt this cute blue-eyed girl was similar to the Goddess on that day, unable to hold back from teasing her and giving her a tight hug, hoping that one day she could meet that Goddess again and save her from that man she called "Father."

"Alright, let\'s grind some monsters and level you girls up! Three days isn\'t long enough; come on!"

"Ah, I think Veronica is unconscious... She\'s not breathing and frothing at the mouth." Cryska gasped.

"Just kick her in the stomach; that girl cannot die so easily," Zell said as he began to walk further south, holding his black axe coated once more in his black-scaled armour.

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