The villain's side of the novel

Chapter 174 Berserkers Revenge Quest

Emore and her son, Liam, embarked on a grueling journey, traversing rugged terrains and enduring countless hardships. Their destination was the illustrious city of Ardentia, where the mighty Reju family, known for their berserker heritage, reigned supreme. Ardentia, with its towering spires and bustling marketplaces, stood as a vibrant metropolis teeming with life and intrigue.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue across the horizon, Emore and Liam found themselves at the outskirts of Ardentia. The sight of the city\'s magnificent walls, adorned with intricate carvings and guarded by towering statues, filled Emore\'s heart with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. She knew her family awaited her arrival at the grand Reju mansion, their ancestral home.

Passing through the colossal gates, Emore and Liam were greeted by a procession of guards in resplendent armor, their spears gleaming in the sunlight. The path leading to the mansion was lined with fragrant blossoms, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the storm brewing within Emore\'s soul.

Continuing in their carriage, they made their way to the mansion, where the family and servants stood in eager anticipation, their faces a blend of relief and concern. Emore\'s father, Lord Darius Reju, a towering figure with bulging muscles and a face marked by countless battles, stepped forward to embrace his daughter. His embrace conveyed both relief and the underlying fury that ran deep within their berserker bloodline.

Inside the grand hall, Emore found herself amidst the council members, each one a master of their berserker craft. Their scarred faces bore expressions of solemnity and the untamed spirit of warriors ready to unleash their rage upon the world. Emore took her seat among them, her eyes reflecting the fire that burned fiercely within her soul.

"Emore, it gladdens my heart to have you returned," Lord Darius spoke, his voice resonating with a blend of relief and reproach. "But your sudden departure and the tales that have reached our ears have left us concerned. What transpired with the Parada family?"

Emore met her father\'s stern gaze, her voice trembling with a mixture of regret and determination. "Father, the new head of the Parada family cast me aside, denying me the protection of our shared name without just cause."

Her father\'s furrowed brow softened slightly, though his concern remained evident. "And what of your children, Emore? Have you uncovered the truth of their fate?"

Emore\'s heart clenched at the mention of her beloved children. Sorrow and frustration filled her voice as she replied, "Father, I mourn for them every day. Their deaths remain shrouded in mystery, and the Parada family refuses to unveil the truth. I believe they hold the answers I seek, and they expelled me to protect their secrets."


"How dare they treat you like this!" Lady Adaline, an astute and respected council member, pounded the table with a furious expression. "Emore, fear not. As your family, we will stand by your side in your quest for vengeance."

Emore\'s determination blazed like wildfire, and with a ferocious expression, she declared, "Thank you, Lady Adaline. I want to reclaim my rightful place from that accursed family, and your unwavering support means more to me than words can convey."

However, not all council members shared Emore and Adaline\'s fervor. Lord Henry, a more cautious and reserved figure, voiced his concerns. "While I understand the pain Emore has endured, we must tread carefully. The Parada family is ruthless, and underestimating their power would be perilous. Initiating a war with them may not be the wisest course of action."

(That bastard ) Emore couldn\'t help but feel her anger intensify at Henry\'s words. She knew her influence within the Reju family was limited, so she stayed silent, but her gaze conveyed her disagreement as she looked at her father.

Lord Darius, sensing his daughter\'s silent fury, struggled to contain his own rage. As a proud berserker warrior, he could not tolerate others disrespecting his daughter without facing consequences. With a thunderous voice, he thundered, "I care not for the Parada family\'s ancient lineage. They dared to harm our daughter, a Reju blood. We cannot remain silent. We will exact our vengeance, and I shall not rest until the Parada family lies in ruins."

A small smile formed on Emore\'s face upon hearing her father\'s words. ( Finally, the second part of the plan is set in motion, ) she thought to herself, (Now you will all regret underestimating me.)

Though some council members harbored their own doubts about the plan, none dared to voice their concerns after the head of the family had spoken. The Reju family began strategizing to confront the Parada family, fully aware that the path ahead would be treacherous and the outcome uncertain, their berserker spirits prepared for the battles to come.


In the grand meeting room of Arezo Castle, the Arezo family and their esteemed allies, the Parada family, assembled to discuss their upcoming mission. Adorned with tapestries depicting the heroic feats of past adventurers, the room exuded an air of anticipation and uncertainty.

Seated at the head of the table was Lester Arezo, the respected patriarch of the family. His sharp gaze swept across the room, gauging the collective energy of those gathered. Flanking him were his two sons, Tom and Timmy, their youthful faces reflecting a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Accompanying them were four other individuals, each possessing their own unique presence. Seraphina, a battle-hardened warrior bearing a scar across her left cheek, sat next to Lester. Magnus, a seasoned mage renowned for his vast knowledge of ancient magic, occupied the seat beside Seraphina. On the opposite side of the table, Rosalind, a nimble rogue known for her quick wit and agile fingers, sat poised. Lastly, Bastion, a towering figure encased in formidable armor, represented the indomitable strength of the Arezo family.

As silence fell upon the room, Lester cleared his throat, capturing the attention of all. "I extend my gratitude to each of you for joining us today. We are gathered here to discuss our imminent mission alongside the Parada family – the conquest of a four-star dungeon."

The mention of the dungeon elicited a murmur of excitement from the group. Lester continued, "Regrettably, we have received no specific information regarding the dungeon itself, which is cause for concern. Our lack of knowledge could prove perilous."

Seraphina, ever vigilant, spoke up, her voice resolute and steady. "Indeed, it is disconcerting that the Parada family, having already ventured into the dungeon, failed to gather essential details. We are left to face an unknown threat."

Magnus, stroking his long, white beard, nodded in agreement. "I concur with Seraphina. It is highly unusual not to possess any information about the dungeon, especially at this stage."

Bastion\'s deep voice resonated through the room as he leaned forward. "We are renowned for our meticulous preparations, and this mission should be no exception."

Lester nodded thoughtfully. "You are all correct in your concerns. However, we have already committed ourselves by signing the contract, and withdrawal is not an option. Furthermore, we have received assurances from the Parada family regarding the strength they will bring with them. With such power and our own formidable abilities, we shall overcome any challenges within that dungeon."

The room hummed with ideas and suggestions, each member of the Arezo family and their allies contributing their thoughts to the discussion. Strategies were proposed, debated, and refined. The collective knowledge and experience of the individuals in the room melded together, forming a comprehensive plan.

As the discussion drew to a close, Lester raised his hand, signaling for silence. "Thank you all for your invaluable input. We have one month until our departure, and we must utilize this time to prepare ourselves thoroughly, I have a feeling that this mission won\'t be easy "


Hey guys, I am pleased to announce that the long-awaited novel I promise to write is finally out its name is"Moonfall: Undead\'s Shadow," and it\'s available on the webnovel platform. Drawing from my experience writing this novel and my boundless imagination, I have crafted a story that I am immensely proud of. Although the novel was just published today and may not be easy to find because for some reason it\'s not visible on my profile yet, a simple search for "Moonfall" will lead you to it (the cover image is a man with silver hear standing in front of the night sky ). However, I would like to caution the readers who will search for it against entering the word shadow because there are a lot of novels with this keyword. I invite you to explore my other world. And don\'t worry I will complete the two novels 

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