Super Gene

Chapter 2397 - Disaster

Chapte 2397 Disaster

“Big Brother, should we go down and take a look?” Dragon Eight asked, moving over to Dragon One. His eyes lingered on the planet beneath them.

As its name suggested, there seemed to be very little light on Planet Dark Zone. Magnetic storms whirled over the planet, and the clouds rattled like mad as if there were many explosions underneath. Even so, it was impossible to see what actually lay on the surface.

Dragon One didn’t answer, but his eyes were also locked on Planet Dark Zone. Just like Dragon Eight, he had no idea what was down there.

After the explosion, they couldn’t see anything taking place on the planet anymore. Once the aftermath of the explosion settled out, Planet Dark Zone returned to being quiet again.

Barr and the others had re-entered the planet’s atmosphere, and there was no more movement to be seen. Other than the roiling clouds, the planet had gone still.

“Big Brother, could this be a trap? Dia Robber and the others aren’t trying to trick us, are they?” Dragon Eight said.

“I don’t think so. Dia Robber has no grudge with us. He wouldn’t attempt to set up a blockade just to annoy us.” Dragon One paused, and then he coldly said, “Even if it was a trap, there is no need for us to be afraid of them. Let’s go and take a look, first and foremost.”

The others thought that made sense. Only Kings and half-deifieds could come to the universal core area. Even if the Destroyed were setting a trap, there was no need to be afraid.

Han Sen was also curious about what was happening on the planet, so he had no problem with the plan. He followed them down onto Planet Dark Zone in a careful approach.

While Dragon One and the others were confident that they could defend themselves from the Destroyed, they were also being careful. They opened their King areas before they reached the clouds. Once they traveled past the magnetic storms, they saw a giant, circular hole in the surface of the black planet. It looked like it had been made by a giant meteor strike.

But Han Sen and the others had been outside of the planet only moments before, and they would have seen any meteor that came close enough to hit the planet. That explosion must have been caused by something already on the planet. They were too far away to make out much about the hole, though. Dragon One hesitated for a bit, but eventually decided to fly down towards the enormous crater.

They flew closer to the surface of Planet Dark Zone, and Han Sen and the others were soon able to see just how scary that hole was. When they approached it, the hole seemed to have no bottom.

Aside from the giant pit, they couldn’t see anything else on the surface of Planet Dark Zone. There were no core xenogeneics about, either. Barr and the others had disappeared.

“What is this?” Dragon Eight asked, pointing toward the center of the big hole.

No one answered him, though. Han Sen and Dragon One had already seen it, but they didn’t know what it was, either.

In the center of the hole, there was something like a goose egg. It was glowing a dark green color, but it was as big as a basketball court.

Han Sen and the others soon got close enough to see Dia Robber and his people standing next to the stone goose egg. They were all frozen, staring unblinkingly at the egg. Han Sen had no idea what they were doing.

“You guys need a hand?” Dragon One asked as he drifted toward them. He didn’t want to cause a misunderstanding.

Han Sen followed Dragon One over to the stone goose egg. He looked at the thing carefully, but he didn’t see anything special about it. It was just a normal goose egg, albeit larger and made of stone.

Dia Robber didn’t reply to Dragon One. The Destroyed still stared at the goose egg stone, and they didn’t try to stop Dragon One from coming closer.

Han Sen and Dragon One glanced at each other. They were both suspicious. Dia Robber and Barr were not top-tier King class fighters, and that was because they were very slow. But with their talents, they would eventually rank highly among the Kings or even become deified.

Something very dangerous must have happened to render all of those Destroyed motionless. Assuming they weren’t pretending, of course.

Han Sen couldn’t imagine what might have happened, but whatever it was, it had even managed to trap Barr. With his grumpy personality and murderous mind, he was the sort of person who would try to fight fate itself.

Yet Barr, a man who wasn’t afraid of anything, had been compelled to remain in one spot like that. He seemed almost comatose. It was difficult to imagine what he might have seen.

But Han Sen and Dragon One, as they looked at the stone goose egg, saw nothing.

“Dia Robber, what is going on?” Dragon One asked as he walked closer.

Dia Robber gritted his teeth, but he remained silent. Another Destroyed King, now looking as if he had woken up from a dream, started to scream, “It’s over! It’s all over!”

“What is over?” Dragon Eight asked.

The King didn’t answer. He just kept on screaming at the top of his lungs, his eyes wide and afraid. Then, he ran to the goose egg stone like a madman.

“Stop!” Dia Robber shouted, but the man didn’t stop. Dia Robber flew forward and grabbed the Destroyed King who was running toward the goose stone egg. He slammed the man into the ground.

“I said stop! Didn’t you hear me?” Dia Robber’s face looked grim.

That Destroyed King screamed, “Goth and the others are still down there! We have to save them! We have to save them...”

Dia Robber’s expression darkened, and he quietly said, “Observe the situation first. Without my order, no one is permitted to get close.”

“Dia Robber, what is going on?” Dragon One knew that something was wrong, but he wasn’t sure what.

Dia Robber turned around and looked at Dragon One. “Considering what’s happened, I’m not going to lie. Sixty Destroyed Kings came to Planet Dark Zone to hunt xenogeneics. We planned on cleaning this place up, but while we were talking with you, for some reason, this thing crushed our camp. All the Destroyed Kings are gone.”

Han Sen and Dragon One felt a chill at his words. Six Destroyed Kings remained, including Dia Robber and Barr, which meant that more than fifty King class Destroyed had just disappeared. That was a very frightening thought.

“Even if a giant meteor struck the planet, it couldn’t wipe out fifty Kings that easily. Plus, there are no meteors around to suggest that is what happened. Where did this thing come from?” Han Sen stared at the giant goose egg stone. He was frozen like Dia Robber.

“Maybe they went somewhere else?” Dragon One looked around. Planet Dark Zone was big. A few dozen Kings could certainly hide on its surface. They could just dip into a cave, and nobody would be able to find them.

“No! They were waiting for us at camp... If they escaped this, they would definitely have revealed themselves by now.” Dia Robber shook his head.

Dragon One wanted to say something, but before he could, there was a loud cracking noise. A crevice had suddenly appeared on the giant goose egg.

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