The Devil's Harem

Chapter 110 - Let's Defend Abir (Part-I)

Chapter - 110

Inside the courtroom,

As Alex and Daniel walked into the courtroom, it was almost packed to the brim with journalists from various media houses. Looking at the crowd, Alex felt that he could have significantly misjudged the rising popularity of Abir and Suzie. They may not have their core fan base yet, but people seem interested in them.

As they made their way forward through the crowd, Alex wanted to sit on the seat in the front, among the audience, but he was stopped by Daniel.

"You should join me there," Daniel said as he pointed towards the defence side. Alex thought his job was done after running around for the past couple of days but looks like he needs to play Daniel\'s deputy one last time.

Alex nodded and followed Daniel to the other side of the small wooden barricade. As the two of them settled on their seats, Abir and Suzie also walked in, accompanied by their managers. The four of them sat down in the first row in the audience.

Alex, when saw them, turned towards Abir and Suzie and gave them a thumbs-up, ensuring that everything was going to be alright. Suzie, like always, ignored him, but Abir, on the other hand, was quick to return the gesture with a nod.

"So, how long do the hearings last in such cases?" Turning back towards Daniel, Alex asked as he softly.

"It depends. But the first hearing is usually a formality to ask for more time. Think of the first hearing as bringing the case to the notice of the Judge and the court and then asking for some time to prove the point of whatever side you are on," Daniel explained.

"So, it won\'t be long today," Alex asked.

"Oh, well, we have a lot of things up our sleeves. I doubt this case will go beyond the second hearing. I am just waiting to see the prosecution get busted," Daniel said. He was very pleased with the work Alex did.

At this time, the bailiff addressed the courtroom, "All rise. This court is in session now." And as the Judge walked in, everyone present in the room stood up in respect of the Judge.

"Please be seated," The Judge said, taking his seat.

The Judge picked up the sheet placed in front of him and read, "Case number 2022/01/K-1017, Abir Johnson against the state. Hearing of the case will begin now," The Judge addressed the court and then pointed at the prosecutor, "Prosecution may begin with their opening statement."

"Thank you, Your Honor!" The prosecutor in charge of the case stood up from his seat and walked forward, "Your Honor, the prosecution has decided to indict the accused with the following charges".

He then extended his hand toward his colleague and grabbed a sheet from him, "Ahem... Abir Johnson, Driving under Influence. And since this is his second violation, the prosecution demands six months of imprisonment and a $6000 fine. Secondly, for disturbing the public peace, the prosecution suggests an additional $5000 as punishment," clearing his throat, the prosecutor began to read out loud.

The prosecutor in charge then pulled out his glasses and addressed the Judge earnestly, "Your Honour, the evidence related to the case are undeniable and have been submitted to the court. The CCTV footage, the statements from the victims and the medical examination are in front of you." The prosecutor named the evidence while the Judge went through them on his desk, "The medical report suggests that Mr Johnson was heavily intoxicated at the time of his arrest. We are lucky, or else it could have been much more than just driving under the Influence."

"This is a simple open and shut case. I request Your Honour to set an example for everyone out there by punishing Abir. So that everyone gets a message that no one... No one is above the law. That\'s all, Your Honour," the prosecutor gave the Judge a slight bow before sitting back in his seat.

The opening remark from the prosecutor was followed by a long silence in the courtroom. The Judge, with great concentration, went through every piece of evidence submitted by the prosecutor.

It took him a while, but when he was done, the Judge turned his head toward Daniel and Alex.

"The defence may proceed". The Judge instructed Daniel. Alex felt that the opening statement from the prosecution was pretty decent. He looked back to see how Abir and Suzie were faring. If they felt nervous, it was his moral duty to assure them that everything was going to be okay.

Abir was his usual self shaking his legs in nervousness while his manager had held his hand, trying to keep him calm. Suzie, on the other hand, was staring at her phone angrily. She looked pretty upset over something.

\'Maybe her photo didn\'t come out right,\' Alex thought.

Getting the go from the Judge, adjusting his suit, Daniel stood up to proceed, "Your Honour, looking at the evidence submitted by the prosecution, it looks evident that my client Abir is really in the wrong and guilty of all the charges pressed against him. No doubt about it." Daniel began.

As soon as the words left his mouth, the crowd went into a frenzy. A low buzz of chatter broke out in the courtroom. The reporters present in the room almost crushed the keys of their laptops, writing the reports on the latest turn of events. Even Alex found it odd that Daniel would agree with the prosecution with the first thing he would say. But when he saw Daniel still smiling without paying heed to the chatter in the audience, he relaxed a bit.

\'Maybe he got a plan,\' Alex thought and continued to listen.
"But, is the evidence submitted by the prosecution even accountable? You see, it would have been so easy and simple if it were, but sadly, it isn\'t," Daniel smiled at the prosecutor-in-charge and continued, "I present in front of the court the substantial evidence."

With that, the courtroom lights dimmed a bit, and the screen on the side turned on. Soon, a CCTV footage began to play on the screen. As the video progressed, everyone was further confused.

After the video ended, Daniel continued, "As you can see in the video, a couple of guys are helping someone in a taxi. You see, the intoxicated guy is Abir," Daniel said, pointing toward Abir in the audience, "Here is the report from the National Forensic Service, stating the same." Daniel submitted the report to the court. Which was then handed to the Judge.

"Your Honor! This video is from a CCTV outside of the club where my client was present just before his arrest. The prosecution not only neglected the evidence and even helped in expunging the evidence," Daniel accused.

Hearing Daniel, the prosecutor in charge of the case stood up and roared, "Objection! Your Honour. The defence is merely speculating things, trying to defame the prosecution".

"Defence, do you have any proof of your claims?" The Judge ignored the prosecutor and asked Daniel.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Daniel nodded.

"Oh, do tell us then," the Judge looked interested and urged Daniel.

"Your Honour..." The prosecutor tried to object, but the Judge didn\'t let him.

"Shhssshhh..." With his finger on his lips, the Judge stopped the prosecutor from saying anything further, "Just hear him out. It looks interesting."

"Unhh..." The prosecutor could only grumble upon hearing the busybody Judge, who looked unusually interested.

"Continue," the Judge gestured to Daniel.

"Thank you, Your Honour," Daniel gleefully said, and giving a meaningful look to the prosecution, continued, "For one, the prosecution obtained the footage and chose not to share it with us, added to that the fact, that they didn\'t even try to look into how an intoxicated Abir flagged a taxi but got arrested driving a car on his own. I mean, I am no genius, but I would have to be an idiot to miss such an obvious loophole?" Daniel pointed out to the Judge.

"Objection, Your Honour..." The prosecution interrupted.

"Overruled," but the Judge shut him away right then, "Incompetent..." The Judge could not help but murmur, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Now, I would like to call upon the former manager of the Club Rosaro to the witness stand," Daniel requested. Soon the man Alex saw in the club was brought into the courtroom and was asked to take the oath.

After the procedures were done, Daniel took up the charge and walked up to the man, "State your name, please." Daniel requested.

"Arlo, Arlo Sadman," the man replied without much delay. He sat there, looking very comfortable as if he was sitting in his own backyard.

"So, Mr Sadman, correct me if I am wrong, but you used to work at a place called Club Rosaro until a couple of days ago, is that correct?" Daniel asked.

Arlo nodded in affirmation.

"Please respond with words Mr Sadman," Daniel asked Arlo.

"Yes," Arlo responded. He didn\'t look out of place as if the courtroom was his backyard.

"Thank you. Can you tell us why did you leave such a high-paying job? I mean, people will die to have a lucrative job like that," Daniel further pried.

This got Arlo a bit uncomfortable. He looked around until his eyes rested on Alex, who was sitting on his right. Though he didn\'t want to be here, that innate fear he felt thinking about Margaret and the close relationship Alex enjoyed with Margaret, compelled him to do so.

"Or were you fired?"

* * * * *

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