I Login Alone

Chapter 145


The goby groaned and nodded its head at Jung Si-woo’s question.

[So you understand my words.]

“Ah, so that’s where we start off.”

Jung Si-woo briefly told his members to stay with his hand gesture since they were blankly looking at him and the goby. The whale, Seiraksia, was strongly letting out its roar.

[The reason why it brought you guys is that it felt something when it met you. Moreover, your ability to communicate with us, that’s enough for us to let you into the temple. He would allow it too.]

“I’m sorry, but instead of trying to have us go into that strange place, can you explain in detail?”

Seruta replied shortly to Jung Si-woo’s question.

[Do you think we made this place?]

No way. It had a strong feeling of being artificial. Jung Si-woo was about to tell him that, but he held back.

“Then who made this place…?”

[We don’t know either.]

“Haha, look at this guy.”

“Oppa, stop!”

Soo-rin stopped Jung Si-woo at all costs when he tried to pull out his hammer. She didn’t understand their conversation, but she already mastered sensing when he was about to become violent! However, the goby continued with his words in a serious expression. He failed to know Jung Si-woo’s intention.

[We were already in this place when we became self-aware. All these were prepared for us, so it doesn’t matter if we don’t know who did it for us. We simply serve him and fight against those that force us to worship the foreign god.]


Something suddenly came up in Jung Si-woo’s mind. When one of his questions was answered, the reason why the sea monsters from the earth that didn’t belong to any foreign gods were safe and sound! This was when a hypothesis of them believing in an existence different from the gods of the otherworld was proven.

“Wait, so you guys don’t know their name?”

[Yes. We only feel his presence through the traces that he left then we decide our path. I’m the one in charge of that.]

“Then what’s the reason for having me into your temple?”


Seiraksia, who was quietly waiting, proudly roared at Jung Si-woo’s question. Seruta pointed at it and spoke.

[It is Seiraksia that received his will strongly. And it brought you here. Now I believe you understand why I’m trying to let you enter the temple.]

He still didn’t know what Jung Si-woo wanted to say, but there was something that bothered him. He led his members and decided to enter the temple with Seruta as he wasn’t able to come up with any replies. However, the whale roared and stopped them with its tail.

[I believe only this man is allowed to enter the temple.]

“Ah, what’s this feeling that I’ve suddenly become an extra along with this sense of overwhelming futility…?”

“I’m sorry that you didn’t tame the whale, Marina Bisset.”

Everyone looked dumbfounded, but the whale was too big for them to force their way past. In the end, they accepted their fate and stepped back. However, Jung Si-woo felt annoyed as he became something like a protagonist in a traditional fantasy game. Still, he forced it down as he entered the temple alone along with Seruta.

“It sure is a wide temple.”

[It’s small to worship him. Stop grumbling and follow me. The revelations and traces left by him still exist in this place.]

He was in the high position to be called the chief priest, and yet based on how he was leading a complete stranger Jung Si-woo into the important temple after listening to Seiraksia, the deputy of the god, it could be assumed that the existence of the god was great for them. While walking through the vast passage of the temple, Jung Si-woo started to have expectations. But the path was still far away from the end.


Meanwhile, clean mana that was different from the calm and holy mana which filled up the place stimulated him. His pace became a bit faster. And the density of the mana became thicker. Seruta had to chase after him.

[Do, do you know where to head?! This passage of the temple has a magical trap that will trap those walking in it without knowing…!]

“A very familiar sensation seems to be waiting for me.”

Where had he felt this? God’s power? No. It was a power that was similar to Jung Si-woo’s in terms of its origin. Then was it the power of the dragon which he had? That was the mana unique to him only. Then…his sight became clear. The interior of the vast temple became vivid. Seruta, who barely managed to keep up with Jung Si-woo, spoke to him.

[Ye-yeah. You’ve made it. Look, this is the power of the one that leads us…]

But Jung Si-woo could no longer listen to what he was saying. Ignoring the words written thoroughly on the circular walls of the white and vast space, he focused on the strange-looking circle on the center floor. That was the essence of the mana. Jung Si-woo finally realized that it was similar mana to the one he felt in the sanctuary. At that moment, a great change came down upon his body.

[Welcome to the Abyss. The Authority of the underworld player will be expanded. It’s now possible to travel from the residential area to the Abyss.]

[The power of the Abyss reveals the hidden piety in the area. It’s now possible to enter the hidden “underwater dungeon”. It can only be entered through the Abyss.]

[Skill of the underworld player, Chaos Scale (Passive), will be awakened. Stone Skin has been integrated with the Chaos Scale, and Chaos Scale has reached Lv. 3.]

[Obtaining the right of the Abyss, the capacity of the inventory will be doubled.]

Jung Si-woo’s expectations ended up in a completely different direction. When Seiraksia guided him here in the first place, he expected himself to be called the Dragon, but that wasn’t the case. This place was connected with the Ant Cave and maybe with the Sky Castle. A system for players had been hidden amongst the monsters!

[The temple is reacting!]


Seruta still spoke like what a traditional NPC would say. Even Seiraksia roared loudly as if it felt something while guarding outside. Meanwhile, Jung Si-woo was amazed by the black scales that looked similar to a dragon’s as they covered his skin.

‘This has similar effects to the Chaos Tail…!’

The scales covered up his entire body, making it look like he was wearing black armor. It didn’t feel eerie since it was his body after all, and it was made up of pure mana. Also, he could control it by his will. As he naturally deactivated his mana, the scales disappeared faster than they showed up. Jung Si-woo touched his smooth hand and lifted his head.

[Oh, our god.]

The goby bowed his head and started to worship him.

“Wait…no. I’m not.”

[It’s the resurrection of god!]

“I told you it’s not.”

Clearly, he was able to establish communication with him, but things were going sideways. Jung Si-woo clicked his tongue while ignoring him, and he tried to concentrate on grasping the current situation. First, this place was called the Abyss. He speculated that it was a regional name that could be entered as a dungeon-like the Sky Castle and the Ant Cave. The evidence was the dungeon entrance magic circle installed in this temple. Jung Si-woo thought he could travel to the underwater dungeon anytime through the Ant Cave, but he was utterly wrong.

Of course, there would be an instance where the Ant Cave dungeon was located on the seafloor. But the underwater dungeon here meant the place where followers of the sea-related gods appeared. A dungeon that was fully tailored to the underwater environment. It wasn’t like just the part of it was made up with water or like regular monsters emerged in the water. Still, it’s where everything, from beginning to the end, was related to the water, including the monsters.

‘I’ve heard that even the Sky Castle didn’t have much in the way of dungeons with underwater environment…but come to think about it, there couldn’t be any sea in the other world that’s not earth. Therefore…most of the underwater dungeons weren’t recognized by players, including me.’

It had been neglected and was left untouched by anyone. That would clarify how so many sea monsters were released into the ocean…and the right to enter the dungeon had been given to Jung Si-woo for the first time.

‘Chaos Scale. A skill awakened right after entering the Abyss…that means.’

He quickly called up the information about the skill after instinctively realizing the ability of the skill. Jung Si-woo had already felt it to some point, but the information was full of unimaginable things.

[Chaos Scale Lv3]

[Allows the player to breathe and move freely in any kind of environment. The scales harden up based on the concentrated mana, and it can easily block physical shock.]

The skill just sounded too ridiculous! But one certain thing was that Jung Si-woo could freely explore the underwater dungeon. Then…Jung Si-woo placed a bet on his life and canceled the barrier cast by Lee Seo-hee. He was able to stay comfortable even without coating himself with the Chaos Scale.


[Whoa, as expected…]

Despite being exposed to the abyss, he wasn’t tormented by the water pressure, and the water didn’t immediately flow into his nose and mouth. It was possible for him to filter the oxygen from the water and breathe just like how he did with the help of Seo-hee’s barrier. The amount of oxygen was less than how it was on the ground, but he didn’t feel any problem due to his high level.

“Whew, haaa…”

On the other hand, it was possible to soak his entire body if he wanted. It was the result of the Chaos Scale bending according to his will. And that was when the definition of the skill became clear. Being able to move freely in any environment meant that he had full control of his movement.

‘Then can the others enter this place too?’

One needs to be chosen to a player of the Sky Castle. In the case of the Ant Cave player…it was a special case for Jung Si-woo only, so putting that aside, Jung Si-woo didn’t have any specific qualification when entering the Abyss. If his members could also enter here, wouldn’t they also receive the entrance right to the underwater dungeons? Jung Si-woo tried to act on his sudden speculation, but unfortunately, it wasn’t possible.

Didn’t Seruta mention that the destination must be concrete in mind to enter the Abyss? Jung Si-woo led the members by holding their hands, but they got lost in the middle of the passage, so they weren’t able to reach the Abyss. Such a useless trap existed!


“Can we just accept the fact that the Ant Cave and the Abyss are places allowed only to you, Mr. Si-woo?”

“Arrrgh, that’s annoying. I want to get to the Abyss too! I want to go to the dungeon with Si-woo!”

“Someone please, just shoot her with a tranquilizer gun.”

Jung Si-woo followed Seiraksia without any thoughts and ended up obtaining a new skill along with a new problem, so he was confused about whether he should be happy or annoyed. Seruta called on other monsters during that time. They were forming up with a strange atmosphere, wherein monsters were worshipping him, then his members looked displeased since they were ignored like strangers.

In the end, Jung Si-woo’s members decided to retreat from that place for now. It was another magical yet historical moment for Jung Si-woo, but the world didn’t recognize it.

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