My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 87

He received no response from the other, however after travelling for a few more miles(?) Caleb parked his car on the side of an empty road. Throughout the whole year he has been here, this was one of the few places he has never been to. He had no idea where they were, or exactly what was Caleb trying to accomplish by bringing him here. After taking in the surroundings he turned to Caleb for explanation who held the steering wheel way too tightly.

“Where are we”? He asked Caleb hesitantly. The way Caleb was behaving was starting to scare him.

“I have no idea” Caleb mumbled.

“Then what are we doing here”? Baffled, Ashton asked.

“I needed a break from my Dad’s judgemental attitude, so I just drove us here. I disabled any methods of tracking so that he won’t be able to find me”. Caleb informed, before looking over to Ashton. “If you want to run, you can run away,” He offered.

Ashton smirked, “Why aren’t you so generous”. He mumbled. “I can’t actually run away now, you dad will try to go after my family. You weren’t kidding when you said he can be way too much, I can see where you get your stubborn personality from”. Ashton commented. Caleb didn’t say back anything but simply stared ahead. They sat in somewhat uncomfortable silence for a quite a long time. “You know, I have to admit, the way you spoke in front of them, you almost had me convinced that you liked me”, Ashton snorted.


“I do”. Caleb confessed, after a moment. He was tired of hiding his feelings, and now that there was a fair chance that Ashton might leave forever, why bother to hide it? He would hate it if he let Ashton go without letting him know his true feelings, especially after everything they have been through, together.

With widened eyes, Ashton struggled to ask, “Is this... another one of you jokes”? He gulped, “If it is, it’s not funny”! Knowing Caleb, Ashton was ready for it to transform into some sort if tease.

“No it’s not” Caleb snapped. “I really like you. I have liked you for a really long time”. He said softly, biting his lips, awaiting the rejection.

“I thought you hate Alphas”. Ashton wondered out loud in a very low voice after a momentary silence that was filled with a tension so thick that you can cut it with a knife.

“Not you”. Caleb declared.

The tension only rose until Ashton whispered, “Why me”? Caleb couldn’t tell if it was because he was disappointed or was he simply curious? “I am a pureblooded Alpha, I am like... literally the worst choice for you”! Ashton argued.

“Don’t you think I know that”? Caleb shrieked. “Look, if you are going to give me all the reasons why I shouldn’t like you, don’t bother. I have tried to convince myself with all those reasons ever since I started to develop my feelings. And yet my feelings prevail.” Caleb sighed with annoyance. “I still like being with you, I enjoy spending time with you, and I hated it when you left me hanging after the kiss we shared” Looking away, outside the window he mumbled, “I can’t help but feel this way, Ashton. If you are gonna reject me, just go ahead and do it”.

Caleb waited for the rejection while he hoped that he would not break down. He looked away not sure if he could keep it together anymore. The rejection was going to hurt like hell, but he will not break in front of Ashton. He was determined to maintain a strong exterior even if he was collapsing from the inside. When he heard no sound from the other seat he looked at Ashton who was simply staring at the road with an unreadable expression, “Come on, just do it”. Caleb insisted.

“No,” Ashton declared.

Scrunching his eyebrows Caleb argued. “Why? Look if you are worried about hurting my feelings, don’t be. I know you are trying to be nice, but please for once be selfish! Maybe your rejection will help me get ove-”

“I am not being nice”! Ashton cut him off abruptly from his rant. “I am not as nice as you think I am! This is me, being selfish”! Ashton raised his voice, speaking clearer than ever.

Caleb blinked, taken aback by the sudden outburst, “What do you mean”? He whispered.

“What I mean is that I... I won’t reject you, because I don’t want to”. He sighed. “I too have feelings for you, and I am not sure what feeling it is, cause I don’t understand them. I haven’t had the time to wrap my head around it, so I don’t know if I love you or not. But I do know that I don’t want to reject you. I also know that thinking of you, being with someone else drives me crazy” Ashton admitted honestly.

“Yeah, it drives me crazy too”. Caleb chuckled, tears threatening to flow from his eyes as he couldn’t believe that he wasn’t rejected after all. “So what should we do? Should we date”? Caleb suggested casually. He was trying to tease the other, hoping to lighten the mood in this heavy situation.

“If your dad doesn’t end up killing me, why not”? Ashton agreed. Caleb, surprised, looked at Ashton.

“What about you not wanting a mate? You know? Running away from this wolf world”? Caleb raised his eyes, “Not rejecting me, staying with me would be the exact opposite”.

“Screw that”! Ashton declared with annoyance earning a surprised yet amused look from Caleb. “It was a plan, not an oath. And if I speak from experience, my plans are hardly ever successful”. He sighed. “I agree having mate was not my plan, but... I only thought that because I found it to be a burden”.

“And I am not a burden”? Caleb raised his eyebrows.

“You are annoying”. Ashton declared earning an eye roll from him. “But you are definitely not a burden. If anything, you are my strength”.

“Look at you being so cheesy, what happened to the cold Ashton”? Caleb asked sarcastically.

“You killed him with your confession” Ashton declared. “So, what do you say? Wanna go out with this kid”? He smirked.

“O...kay”, Caleb nodded, trying not to sound too excited. He was definitely surprised by Ashton’s sudden confidence, and it made him lose a bit of his composure. Despite his best efforts the blush in his ears and cheeks gave away the fact that his heart was beating like crazy, even a human would be able to hear it. Suddenly he felt something soft on his cheek, and before he could react properly he felt them on lips as well. This time the kiss wasn’t urgent or wild like the last two times. It was soft, passionate and filled with love, and thus they savored it as much as possible.

Ashton was glad that the seatbelt didn’t hold him back, given Caleb’s hurry to run away, Ashton never actually got to put it on. After almost a whole minute he pulled away and stared at Caleb’s eyes, which depicted how deep affection it held for Ashton “I could get used to this” He whispered before giving him another peck on the lips. He returned back to his seat while Caleb pursed lips to suppress his smile before looking away.

“FYI, even if I was the one who stopped kissing you the other day, I hated it too”. Ashton smirked, earning a shy chuckle from Caleb. “I just didn’t want to take advantage of your heat”.

“I figured as much” Caleb smirked. “You claim you are not a nice guy, but you are quite obsessed with doing the right thing”.

“That still doesn’t make me any less dangerous”. Ashton sighed. “Remember? Back then I almost killed that sick Alpha”.

“Yeah, you have anger issues” Caleb mused. “But don’t worry, I got ya” He winked to which Ashton responded by shaking his head.

“So... what do we do now”? Ashton asked after a minute of comfortable silence.

“Well, my dad did try to link me, but I didn’t respond. I will link my brother to see how the situation is”. Caleb suggested.

[Please tell me you have good news] Caleb begged the moment he felt his brother connect to the link.

[Well, it’s complicated. He doesn’t trust Ashton, so he is still determined to keep him locked.] Christian sighed. [But, I might be able to change the location from the dungeon to our house]

[Wait, what?] Caleb was taken aback. Would that mean they will live together?

[Yeah, well he wants to keep an eye on Ashton. Our house or the pack house big enough. His family can move in. This way, at least he will have to suffer less] Christian suggested. Caleb pondered about the decision for a while. Was it really worth it? Was Ashton moving into their pack house a good idea? Will Ashton be okay with it?

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