Super Ability Student

Chapter 792: Avenge yourself

Liu Feng was held by Lin Tian, ​​like a piece of wood, he couldn\'t walk if he wanted to, and he couldn\'t speak even if he wanted to speak. I remember like an ant on a hot pan, crying.

Soon, several magicians rushed back, and they brought back one more person.

The man did not walk in, but was carried in on a stretcher.

At first glance, he looked like a beggar, all in tatters, covered in stool and urine, and his hair was shoulder-length and unkempt, as if he hadn\'t washed it in years.

And both legs, from below the calf, were all broken.

Poor, so pitiful!

However, he stripped off his hair, revealing a very dirty face, which seemed familiar after a closer look.

Isn\'t this just the brilliant magician, Wang Jin?

"Wang Jin, it\'s really Wang Jin."

"Wang Jin is not dead,"

"How did he become like this."

"Too pitiful, such a beautiful character. Now...!"



Seeing Wang Jin\'s behavior, everyone expressed regret. Some tabloid reporters even took photos of Wang Jin frantically, and some even took microphones and asked about Wang Jin\'s current situation.

Wang Jin is now covered with bruises and bruises, like this again, under the camera, how embarrassed he to speak.

But those tabloid reporters don\'t care about this!

Keep asking, keep the human feelings warm and cold, and let them hang aside!


A super magician roared loudly and scolded the group of tabloid reporters severely.

"Elder Wang needs to rest, rest, do you understand?"

Many tabloid reporters were stunned. Although they were a little angry, they did not dare to attack this super magician. As long as he did a little bit, he could make these tabloid reporters lose their jobs.

They left here reluctantly, but stayed aside, with cameras in their hands, closely monitoring everything here.

Then, a magician, a former friend of Wang Jin, shouted at Liu Feng on the stage, "Wang Jin, this is a good thing for you and him, you are not as good as a beast!"

Lin Tian received his qi, and Liu Feng became active and free.

He slowly turned around, the general situation was gone, everything had settled down, and in front of the facts, all explanations were so pale and weak.

He stared at Wang Jin, who was unkempt and rags, feeling unspeakable in his heart.

At this moment, a deep sense of guilt appeared in his heart.

It was him who brought Liu Feng to the ranks of magicians.

It was him who gave him everything today.

If it weren\'t for Liu Feng\'s insatiable greed and eagerness for quick success and quick gains, Wang Jin would also teach him what he has learned throughout his life!

But Liu Feng was eager to get his heart out, and couldn\'t wait for a few years. He tied Wang Jin mercilessly, cut off his legs cruelly, and kept him like a pig or dog.

Wang Jin was below and staring at Liu Feng. Although he was seriously ill and extremely weak, at this moment, his whole body was full of killing intent.

He resented, he regretted.

He regretted accepting Liu Feng\'s apprentice.

He treated Liu Feng like his own son, but what did he get in return.

Life like a pig and a dog, torture and torture, there is no teacher-apprenticeship.

Fame, status, legs, and health are all gone, all of which are bestowed by Liu Feng.

"You beast!"

Wang Jin scolded, but he was a little weak and lacking confidence.

Liu Feng smiled and shook his head helplessly. At this moment, the door was kicked open, and a dozen policemen rushed in.

"Master Liu, those who slander you!"

The policeman asked quickly.

Liu Feng smiled without saying a word. A magician pointed at Liu Feng and shouted at the police, "Quickly, catch this beast with good looks."

The police were stunned, and for a while, they didn\'t know what was going on.

Isn\'t it the case reported by Liu Feng? Why should he be arrested? Shouldn\'t he be arrested for defamation?

"Yes, catch him, catch this beast, catch him."

"Well, I call him a male god, love him so much, bah, unfollow Weibo."

"Animal, shameless, even your own teacher is harmed."



The voices of the audience fell to one side, and immediately shouted at Liu Feng.

A magician quickly told the police what had just happened.

The police stared at Wang Jin carefully, and after confirming that this person was Wang Jin, they shouted.

"Quickly, grab Liu Feng!"

More than a dozen policemen quickly surrounded him with guns. Liu Feng\'s hands were quickly handcuffed and taken down.

Seeing Liu Feng being handcuffed by the police, Lin Tian smiled and felt it was very funny.

Just now he brazenly wanted to get Lin Tian to be arrested by the police for defamation, but now, Liu Feng was arrested by the police he personally called.


The police were about to take Liu Feng away, but Wang Jin on the side opened his mouth.

"Hold on, I want to talk to him."

The policeman nodded his head and asked the two policemen to bring Liu Feng to Wang Jin\'s side.

Wang Jin stared at Liu Feng, staring at him with his eyes, like a tiger staring at a white rabbit.

Liu Feng had a guilty conscience and dared not look at Wang Jin\'s eyes again.

Wang Jin sighed, without saying a word, eyes like swords, staring at Liu Feng firmly.

People on the side could feel Wang Jin\'s anger that soared to the sky at this moment, and they persuaded them.

"Old brother, let the matter go over, and you will be rescued, and you will get better and better in the future."

"Eat a ditch and gain a wisdom. Brother, don\'t care. Believe in the law and you will get revenge."

"The law will definitely bring him to justice, brother, you still have us, we will take care of you."


They persuaded one after another, really afraid that Wang Jin could not think about it for a while and did something stupid.

Immediately, a line of tears appeared at the corner of Wang Jin\'s mouth. It was sadness, helplessness, regret, and unwillingness!

Finally, he got up angrily, a white light flashed quickly.

That is a dagger.

Wang Jin actually held a dagger in his hand.

The dagger was merciless, directly stabbing Liu Feng\'s heart, and inserting it fiercely.

The white knife went in and the red knife came out.

Liu Feng spouted blood on the spot and pierced the heart with a knife, and Liu Feng would definitely die.

"Teacher, you...!"

Liu Feng stared at Wang Jin, shouting with blood.


Wang Jin laughed out loud, dripping with joy.

The humiliation he suffered in the past, today, he wants to take it back by himself.

The enemy\'s life, he wants to kill himself!

Revenge yourself!

The police quickly let go of Liu Feng, turned his head, and subdued Wang Jin.

Liu Feng knelt on the ground, with only a breath left, and Lin Tian slowly walked up to him.

He stared at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes full of dissatisfaction, full of anger, straight into the sky, his face flushed like a grumpy lion.

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